Right now, you can use code FPSNN83JX9 to get 25 points added to your Disney Movie Rewards Account. You can save up your points to get Free Disney Movies and other really cool prizes.
I totally forgot to talk about this in my videos! But it is great if you have babies or kids that are too small to ride the bigger rides.
If you know me personally, I am VERY concerned about what shows my family watches. And even right now, it is just me and my husband. Before we go to a movie, I always do extensive research online to see what kind of movie it is and if there is anything inappropriate in it. I just don’t want to go to a movie I will regret later. And, once my children are older, I will be concerned about what movies and shows are appropriate for them too.
Just enter code DMR to get 10 more points added to your Disney Movie Rewards Account.