Wow, they just keep adding up! You can get another 10 points added to your Disney Movie Rewards Account by using the code heart.
Use code FM39V03SSW to get 5 Bonus Points added to your Disney Movie Rewards Account. If you don’t have an account, go here and get started.
So, our family recently decided to go to Disneyland. And I thought this would be a perfect time to mention some great ways to save on planning your vacations. If you missed the first basic post on How to Find the Best Travel Deals, read it here.
Enter the code i (lowercase) to get 10 Disney Reward Points added to your account! If you don’t have a Disney Movie Rewards account, it is free and a great way to earn free Disney Movies. (Thanks KCPennyPinchinMama)
Disney said they would give away 1 million tickets to their themeparks, if you gave a day of service. Well, it has only been 3 months, and they have almost reached their cap!
Disney is offering a $5.00 Baby Einstein DVD Coupon! And, we can probably get a great price on this, once we find an in-store sale to go along with it. If you see a great price, let us know! (Thanks Hip2Save)
Disney is releasing Ponyo on Tuesday this week. There is a great $10 off the Blu-Ray/DVD Verison of Ponyo! Target and Best Buy both have advertised their Blu-Ray Combo Pack to be priced at $24.99. With coupon, the total cost is $14.99!