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Coupon Addicted

I went to enrichment about two weeks ago and one of the girls talked about using coupons and how much money she saved. About a year ago, I thought I would try it and tried using But I found the site to be cluttery and hard to understand… so I just didn’t get how to do it all. The lady at enrichment said she used and has saved so much money! She brought this gigantic basket full of stuff she had either gotten free or for less than a dollar all within the last month. She had only spent $14 on over $150 worth of stuff!

So I decided to try it! And I’m totally addicted. It is amazing how much money you can save. I have only been doing this for two weeks and I have already been saving tons! I only have about 3 weeks of coupons so far… so i know I am not saving as much as I could be. But I figure within a month or so, I should be on top of it and saving even more than I am now!

Just to give you an idea…. I have bought over $180 worth of groceries in the last two weeks. I have only actually paid $70 for all of it. That means I have saved $110 in two weeks on groceries! Isn’t that just insane?? Think how much I could save once I have been doing it a little longer and have the coupons I need! The best part is that is is completely free to use She does all of the work. She sends you an email twice a week telling you what stores have which deals. It has been pretty easy to catch on to. I’m way excited! Here is a pic of what I got! It is hard to see but I have gotten A1 steak sauce for 8 cents, aspirin for 50 cents, Aluminum foil for 50 cents, 2 gallon milk for 25 cents… the list just goes on and on!!

Baby Shower!

My girlfriends from the neighborhood threw me a shower a few weeks ago!! It was soooo sweet of them to do! Such a nice gesture that I really appreciated… I just wish we could all hang out a lot more! READ MORE »

My Most Embarrasing/ Stupidest Moment of My Life!

So, on Monday I decided to go out to the Walmart in Saratoga Springs because it isnt as crowded as the American Fork one. It was raining like crazy as I was leaving and if you have driven out there… there is a lot of construction going on. When I pulled out of Walmart I wanted to go left, but could only go right. There are only two lanes of traffic divided by those orange construction cones. When the oncoming traffic slowed, I decided I would just make a U- turn and go the other way. Well as I turned, just on the other side of the road was a slanted embankment of mud. I figured I would be ok but my right tires caught on the mud and slid me sideways down the hill into a barbed wire fence. As I was sliding, I tried to save it, but being in a rear-wheel drive car didn’t help much and once I knew I was going down all I could think of was “Don’t hit the car, Brady will kill you!”. So, I missed the metal pole holding the fence up and was relieved. And then tried to see if I could get myself out.
My tires spun like crazy but I was totally stuck. And because of the construction traffic everyone was driving by slowly and staring.
Here I am, nine months pregnant and about to pop. It’s raining. The mud isn’t even mud, it’s clay mud. I’m wearing flip-flops and white shorts as I get out of the car and am doing my best to not fall on my pregnant butt in front of all of the traffic.
And then I realize, how in the world am I going to get out of this?? Brady works downtown. I don’t want to call a tow-truck… because all I think that I need is a good push from the front of the car and I should be able to get out.
So, I decided in my brilliance to call 9-1-1 to see if an officer could come help a pregnant lady out.
While I was doing this, a mexican guy pulled off of the road onto the mud to see if he could help me… but he got stuck too! So, now two of us are stuck in the mud completely helpless.
About 15 minutes goes by and I see a police SUV drving towards us. He flips around and parks behind the Mexican’s van that is parked behind me. But, he never gets out of the car. I was thinking he would come and talk to me or something. I thought maybe he was just waiting for back-up.
Well, all of a sudden I hear police sirens and see a firetruck. And I’m thinking to myself… oh please don’t be for me… please don’t be for me. Let me remind you that the traffic is going even slower now and people are really staring. The firetruck slows down and pulls off on the opposite side of the road and they get out to come over to me. Next an ambulance shows up and everyone gets out to come and talk to me.
Everyone is asking if I am ok…. they tend to over worry a bit when you are pregnant. I end up having to sign a release stating that I am fine.
While all of this is going on, I realize that the SUV police car that came earlier actually got stuck too! So, everyone who has come to help me is now stuck in the mud along with me.
The police completely stop traffic for 20 minutes so they can tow their SUV out of the the mud and then pull the van out. At the same time, I am on the phone with Brady and he is freaking out because he doesn’t want them to pull our bumper off of our car while they try to pull me out. So Brady decides he will do it himself with his truck.
Everyone finally leaves and I’m waiting for Brady to get there. I have my safety hazards on because I don’t want anyone to hit me… but I think, Maybe I should lie down so no one will try to stop and help again. About 5 minutes later I hear a car and by the time I sit up, I see a guy walking away from my car. I guess he had stopped to see if I needed help. He was in a Jeep… and I thought… Oh no, he pulled out on the mud. Guess what? He got stuck too! So, he is trying to get out and while doing so slams his car a couple times into the metal pole and puts a gigantic dent into the side of his jeep. A truck stops and asks if I need help and I say I’m waiting for my husband and he pulls out the Jeep instead! I felt so bad. So far I have had 3 other cars get stuck because of me!
Brady finally shows up and we have everything we need. He hooks up the rope to pull me out and then…. guess what??? My car won’t start!!!! I have been sitting there so long that my battery had died. So, then we had to go over to the walmart and get jumper cables… because of course, our jumper cables are in our garage. What a great place to keep them right??? We jump my car and then finally get me home.
I have never had an embarrasing moment before in my life…. but I still say this is now it. I just wanted a little push and I ended up having the entire Saratoga Springs Brigade come out to my rescue. What a day! READ MORE »

My New Website!

I have finally created my website for my vocal lessons and my personal music! It has taken forever for me to finally decide what I want to do after the baby comes and what is the best road to take. I will continue to do vocal lessons at the studio located in Sandy. But I will also be doing vocal lessons at my home as well. READ MORE »


LinkConnector Validation

Help My Stupidity!

So the more that I look at other people’s Blogs, I realize what a slacker I truly am. I am missing a ton of friends and families links to their blogs. Please check the list of friends I have on my Blog. If you aren’t there, please tell me so I can add you!! Please just know that you are still loved. I am just oblivious! READ MORE »

First Baby Shower

Wow, I never thought the day would come when I would be having a baby. Let alone be having baby showers. My friends and family are so sweet to even think to throw me a baby shower! I’ve got such great people in my life! READ MORE »


I haven’t really been keeping up with the whole blogging thing. And I haven’t decided why it seems to be so hard for me. I’m gonna figure it out though!! READ MORE »

I'm Pregnant!

Ok, so Brady and I are pregnant! I have never been so sick in my life and I have spent the last month nauseus all day long. I spend most of my time laying on the couch until I have to go to work at 4. We are really excited. I just wish I wasn’t in so much pain. The doctor has given me medication to help with the sickness part…. but man, it just still creeps in! READ MORE »

Catching up!!

Wow, it has defnitely been a long time since I updated the blog. I guess I really don’t feel like there is anything that amazing to talk about since we don’t have kids that do funny stuff everyday. READ MORE »

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