First Baby Shower - Freebies2Deals

First Baby Shower

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Wow, I never thought the day would come when I would be having a baby. Let alone be having baby showers. My friends and family are so sweet to even think to throw me a baby shower! I’ve got such great people in my life!

And, I cannot believe how much “stuff” you get!~ It honestly blows my mind. I have more clothes than I know what to do with. Let’s just hope that my baby doesn’t grow too fast… so she can wear everything a few times before she grows out of it.

These are a few pictures from the shower my Mom threw me last weekend. Try not to notice my hugeness!! LOL

Grandma Diane, Tracy & Amy Godfrey, and my Aunt Sue

My nieces Tayli and Danika.

My Cousin Kim and Grandma Betty

My Niece Kayla Johnson & my Sister-in-Law, Tiffany

My Sister-in-Law, Jenni and Kortney and Kami

Me and Lexi

Me opening gifts!

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1 Comment

  1. Good job…two posts in a week! You did get hooked up at your shower! Thanks again for having us over the other night!


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