Disney Family.com has some great back to school crafts and ideas. There is everything from “Welcome Back” cards to book marks, and organizational tools to lunchbox ideas.
Disney has these awesome Avengers printable play sets available for free! What a fun way for kids to play Avengers without fighting each other.
Update: Offer is dead now!
Hurry! Disney has announced that for only 150 Disney Movie Reward points you can get a Mystery Disney DVD! Here is what they have said on their site:
I promised a bunch of you that I would let you know once the tickets for Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland were opened up! And, they will have tickets for sale in just a few days – July 16th, 2012.
If you haven’t already, be sure to redeem your Brave movie tickets for Disney Movie Reward Points. You can submit up to four movie tickets, per movie, redeeming 50 points each. That is a total of 200 points!
If you have missed out on other Disney magazine deals that have been available here is another one you can take advantage of. Mamasource has your choice of a one year Disney Magazine susubscription for $15! The subscription includes 8 issues of Disney Princess, Disney Junior, Phineas and Ferb or Marvel Super Heroes.
Remember how I posted about the change in Disneyland Ticket Prices?? Well, that has happened and the date that Get Away Today had to purchase them for the lower cost has expired. But, I just found out that Get Away Today went to Disneyland and purchased a BUNCH of hard copy Park Hopper Tickets at their previously lower price!