
I Will Always Stand Up for Good, I Will Always Stand Up for Families, and I Will Always Do What I Can to Protect My Children!

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Writing a blog can be hard. It is hard to convey your tone and accurately describe what you are trying to get across in writing.  So, I am always worried about it and try my absolute best to be as upbeat and energetic when I write my deal posts.  With that said, I do need to “Get Real” with all of you for a moment.

Last night, I wrote a post letting you all know about a change the FCC wants to make to Primetime Television… letting F-Bombs and even female frontal nudity “ok”. (If you missed that, you can read about it here.)  While I know this is not “deal” related, the vast majority of Freebies2Deals readers are Moms.  Moms who want to protect their kids and stand up for their families- just like me. So I knew I had to spread the word and post it.

There were some of you who commented negatively, rudely and even profanely to my post. I am always shocked at those types of comments because you all know exactly who I am.  I spell it out loud and clear in the way I write my blog.  I keep Freebies2Deals family friendly, pictures are appropriate for all ages, and the language is always clean. And just to be clear:

I will always stand up for good.
I will always stand up for families.
And I will always do what I can to protect my children.

To be frank, there are a lot of coupon and deal blogs out there.  And a lot of them only post about deals and coupons.  So if reading things non-related to couponing and deals bothers you, you might find another blog suits you better. And while I would love to have as many of you as possible be a part of the Freebies2Deals family, those types of comments are not welcome and not appreciated here.  I will from time to time share things that are personal, news-worthy, or just fun to share.  I have always wanted Freebies2Deals to be a place where everyone can feel comfortable, relate and have a sense of community.  So, that is what I will continue to strive for.  :)

Before I end my rant, I want to thank all of you who Stand Up for Good.  It becomes increasingly harder to do these days and your support really means a lot to me!

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  1. Melea, one of the reasons I read your blog is because I know it’s family friendly, and that you are truly here to help people. I love that you stand up for your beliefs, no matter what, even if others don’t like it. Keep what you’re doing. Even if some of your readers weren’t happy with your recent post, the majority of us probably were happy with it, and grateful you posted it. Thanks for setting a great example for standing up for your beliefs!

    • Stand strong and never mind those people who chose to be critical.

  2. Thank you so very much for all that you do, I am sad that you got negative comments on your post, I wish people would remember what we all (should have) learned as little kids, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all”. Thank you for standing up for good!!

  3. Well said, Never apologize for who you are!

  4. I did not read the post you are referring to, but I think when it’s your blog, you can post anything that you feel like, and NO ONE should be able to say otherwise. I am new to your blog, I began reading it only two weeks ago, but I really enjoy it, and more power to you to say what’s on your mind in any post you want. It’s great that you stand up for your family and beliefs, and that is just the type if blog I would like to continue to follow. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you don’t let any negative comments get you down.

  5. Thank you for being exactly who you are and for standing up for good and for families. I read your blog every day because it not only helps me save money but it is one of the most family friendly money saving blogs out there. I appreciate the work you put into everything. I was so thankful for the post you made last night and that I was able to leave my input with the FCC. Us families need to stick together. Our country may be going downhill but that doesn’t mean we have to go down with it. Keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing and I will always be a loyal fan.

  6. Melea, thanks a lot!
    and especially to always remember to STAND FOR good, to promote good and to do good. You are wonderful and ALL you do is much appreciated including your blog readers and those who benefit from your community-oriented projects. It’s a privilege to have you in our community.
    Thanks again!

  7. That is crazy. I was grateful for the post yesterday because I was not aware of the possible changes until reading Freebies2Deals. And I will be contacting the FCC to protest. You perfectly stated above, that if readers only want coupon information, they can access other blogs. Thanks for your example.

  8. Well said! And thank you, thank you for letting us know about it. I had no idea. This world is crazy and it’s always nice to see someone with high morals! Awesome blog!

  9. First of all I love your site, I check it daily through out my work day. What you are doing is your blog and you post what you want to post, you are doing us a favor so even if someone doesn’t like it they need to just make a decesion if they want to follow your blog or not. Nothing you ever put on here is negative so I do not understand why anyone would post such mean comments on your site. These folks must just be angry. I’m a mom to two boys and I will protect them all I can while I can so I appreciate a heads up on the TV info.

  10. Thank you for standing up for what you believe in!

  11. One of the first things I learned when I decided to start a blog was to be myself. I love finding deals on your blog, but you have every right to share what is important to you. I love that your blog is family friendly and that I can relate to you. Keep up the great work. I will still be following you. (And I have submitted my protest to FCC.)

  12. Thank you Melea – similar values to my own keep me coming back and coming back to your site. What you do is a huge sacrifice and I’m grateful! Keep up the good work and don’t let those minority comments discourage you.

  13. I don’t mind you stating your opinion- it’s obviously your right to do so. And I hadn’t seen your original/previous post until just now. I do want to comment that I am a mother to two kids and was disappointed/not surprised to see the judgement by everyone on how mothers HAVE to protect their children from frontal nudity. Personally, nudity is not offensive to me or my family. It’s a naked body. Everyone has one. I can understand how one mother might feel offended (I guess) but saying that EVERY mom SHOULD be offended is ridiculous and ignorant.

    I’m not saying your article stated this. I just got that impression from the article and commentors in general.

    • If you believe children watching nudity is a good thing then don’t send your email asking for more regulation. Melea’s post did not seem ridiculous or ignorant to me, and it seems inappropriate and contentious for people to slam her on her own blog. If you disagree with her values then follow a different blog or write your own.

    • If a post doesn’t pertain to you then just keep scrolling until you find something you like, it’s just that easy. Any negative posts are not necessary. If you don’t agree with something or if a deal/freebie doesn’t tickle your fancy then move on to the next post or find another blog. It’s rude to argue/put down someone who is doing a free service for you, your family and friends.

    • I see your point about making generalizations. However, I believe there is a difference between seeing nudity from a scientific standpoint and seeing nudity in entertainment (which television is all about). If you are teaching your child the anatomy of the body and physiological purposes in a scientific way, it can be “just a naked body”. However, if your child sees nudity on television in an entertaining environment (which will most likely include sexual innuendos) it has a completely different effect on them. I encourage you to research the topic and read some peer reviewed articles on brain development and psychological affects that nudity has on children.

    • What is “ridiculous and ignorant” is saying that nudity is not offensive on television. Especially at the hands of Hollywood. Perhaps your children and husband are not affected by these titillating images (which I very highly doubt), but have you no concept of the bigger picture? And it’s not just the nudity. Sadly, so many children look to the digital babysitter to see which way the winds of social trends are blowing. We already have armies of smart-mouthed, disrespectful children. How, as a society, are we supposed to tell children it’s acceptable for their favorite TV personalities to use profane language and expose their bodies to the entire world but it’s not appropriate for them to do so.

      There has to be some standard of public decency. As parents we have the right and responsibility to just turn it off. Heck, I’ll cut the cord and tell Hollywood to shove it! But I’m concerned about the effect it will have on society as a whole. Children can no longer escape media. Everywhere they go they are bombarded with it. The only control and safeguard parents have at this point is the fact that there is still this tiny shred of a public standard, which has been eroded to the point that it’s barely effective. But we have not crossed that final boundary yet, and that is just what the FCC wants to do.

      You may think that your family will be unaffected by having vulgarity on television, but not everyone is as unaffected by images and expressions. Tendencies and emotions which may only be in their infancy in some people will be kindled and stoked. To say that is not a possibility is naive and narrow minded. This “minor change” will be the gateway to “anything goes.”

      • Well stated Kendra. Thankfully this blog brought it to my attention and I quickly took action,
        I also think television has already gone too far. Some of the shows shown on Saturday morning portrays children smart mouthing and being disobedient to their parents.

        As an adult I do not care to hear any kind of vulgarity on television, especially during prime time. Nor do I want to view nudity. We have to be careful what is being aired on TV at all times. I try to remember that Jesus dwells within me and I do not want to subject him to that kind of trash. I honor Him not only with my words, but deeds. I can only pray that my child will learn what is proper and decent behavior by the actions taken in our home. He certainly will not learn it from television, school or his friends.

        Your statement “This “minor change” will be the gateway to “anything goes.” has been proven accurate many times over. They continually push the line a little further each time.

        Thank you Melea for being a decent, concerned parent.

    • Meagan I see what you are saying, but I don’t think that these moms see the human body itself as offensive at all. What is offensive (to me at least) is the way it can so often be portrayed in media, as an object of sex and violence. Living in Europe I got so tired of the blatant sexual images of women everywhere. I remember thinking that girls there must grow up wondering if that is all that they are. I also think that child predators would just love for children to learn from media that its ok or normal to show certain parts of their body.

  14. Melea,
    Thank you for being light in the darkness. Your website blesses so many people. Keep on keeping on.
    Blessings to you.

  15. I am grateful that you took a stand! I have contacted the FCC to log my complaint. My values are very much the same as yours. If we don’t protect our children, who will?

  16. I appreciate your posts…deals and otherwise! I have a hard time getting my “head out of the sand” and I make time for your blog each day so I need those other important posts as well because I am a mom first and everything else falls below. Thanks again and remember that there are always people in life who try to bring the rest of us down and all we can do is continue to do what is right and what is good.

    Nice job! Keep it up!

  17. I want to thank you for standing up for what you believe in! And I love that you are family friendly and you really cater to the little kids who need the shelter! I think that there are too many people out there who just give in but I love that you want to protect the families! Thank you for posting about the F bombs and nudity, I want to protect my kids I wrote a letter and want to thank you for bring it to my attention

  18. Thank you!! As I mom I’m grateful to you!

  19. I appreciated the post and filled out the form letting my voice be among those who want to protect not only mine, but all our children. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years, I am glad you post personal things. I think it’s nice sometime to get out of the deal mindset for a minute and realize there is a person behind this site, working very hard to balance a family life and her job which is helping all of us. So Thank You for taking a stand for decency, and to anyone that has a problem with your posts why wouldnt they just not read your blog. It belongs to you.

  20. Thanks for standing up for what is good

  21. Melea,
    I appreciate your family friendly approach to blogging and dealing. Thanks for all your hard work. It really is too bad that people feel they need to tear you down if they disagree. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but we should all be able to share our thoughts without being torn down. I agree with you and have left my opinion with the FCC. Thanks for posting it because I would have never know otherwise.
    Thank You.

  22. It is shocking what some people will write when they are hiding behind a computer. Sorry you had to deal with those negative comments, but I just want you to know I appreciate your standards and that is why I read this blog. Don’t let negative people get you down!

  23. Malea,
    I appreciate all the hard work and time you put in to helping others. With so many issues today, we each have our own opinion and the right to voice our opinions. If we want to take advantage of that right, we must allow others to do the same. Kuddos to you for taking a stand and educating your readers! Chin up (I hate it when my mom tell me that)! There are always rude & self centered people looking to take others down. Luckily, there are MANY more people willing to love and help others. (That has been on my mind a lot this past week since being in Boston for the marathon.) Thank you!

  24. Don’t listen to those negative comments! Obviously the majority of us truly appreciate your efforts and values for doing Good! Thank you for being who you and and for being strong in sticking to your values! Don’t worry, we will always have your back! 🙂

  25. And you will never stand alone. Thank you Melea.

  26. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I missed yesterdays post and if you hadn’t received some of those negative comments, you may not have posted this today. Because of this post, I have logged my complaint and shared this info on FB as well as by email to my family members. I’m sorry some people are so negative but I’m glad that I saw todays post, so that I could become aware of yesterdays post.
    Way to take a stand! You should be proud!

  27. I appreciate it. I personally don’t want my kids seeing nudity. This might just be me but I don’t want my husband to see another women naked. I do think we as parent have to be careful what we let them watch.

  28. THANK YOU for all that you do! You are an example to so many people! We so appreciate all that you do here on your blog. You have a community of friends here that will always back you up!

  29. Thank you for all that you do. Never stop and never change who you are!~

  30. Thank you for being so wonderful and standing up for family values. I am sorry for those who are less than kind and use your blog to showcase their ignorance.

  31. I appreciate all you do! You are awesome!

  32. Thanks for your time and energy that you put into this website. I have saved so much money because of you. I am grateful for your post about the FCC. I have already wrote in and told them what I think. You are great and wonderful. I am proud to stand with you!!

  33. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being strong and standing up for your beliefs! I appreciate the family friendliness of your blog and I think you are amazing!

  34. I appreciate you keeping us informed and standing up for what’s right and what you believe in. There are a lot of other sites that people can go to if they don’t agree with you or don’t like what you post. Thanks for all you do to keep things family friendly.

  35. Dear Malea I just wanted to thank you for all the deals you post you do a wonderful job I have been following your blog for sometime now and I appreciated it very much. I also read your article this morning and as an adult and mother I support you fully. Thank you so much for everything you do.

  36. With you all the way!! : ) Thanks for all you do and stand for!!

  37. Too bad some people have to be ugly. That’s just awful that you’ve had RUDE comments on your prior post.
    You’re doing great. Let the “haters” move on to another blog!

  38. This is one of the reasons I read your blog! Thank you for spreading good and for standing up for the right.

  39. Thanks for posting about the FCC and the link. As soon as I read it this morning, I sent them a comment. I agree that it is totally wrong what they are wanting to do and feel there is too much of the gray area of nudity and sexual nature footage already. And WAY too many cuss words.

    WAY TO GO GIRL!!!! Just ignore those who have lower morals. Keep going just like you are.

  40. I’m so sorry that people were so rude about your post. It’s amazing how rude people can be, and I can imagine it’s even more of a slap in the face when you are providing them with a super awesome service for free. I’m so embarassed for them and their actions. I really want you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you’ve done for me. You’ve helped me learn how to coupon, score some incredible freebies and save money. I am truely thankful to you and all your hard work. Don’t let these jerks get you down because you RULE!!!!


  41. Thank you for all you do and standing up for your beliefs. Too many people conform or hide their beliefs to be accepted or avoid conflict. I was shocked also after I read some of the responses. Keep being yourself and thank you!

  42. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I have already written my letter to the FCC. I love your blog!

  43. I think its amazing what people type behind a computer as well. My son’s daycare was just robbed a few weeks back and you should have read all the nasty posts people wrote on Fox 13 news post… many people were saying that the daycare just wanted insurance money. Wow, is all I can say and just know that you have PLENTY of good people that LOVE you to pieces and LOVE what you do. As hard as it is you just have to look beyond those nasty posts and remember all the good people that LOVE YOU 🙂

  44. Melea,
    I love this post!! I have followed other blogs, and am now a working mom, so I don’t have much time to look for deals, but I always make sure I look at yours everyday. This just makes me love you more!!

  45. Keep doing your blog exactly how YOU want to do it, if people are offended by what you stand up for, that is a problem of theirs, not yours. Thank you for posting this yesterday, I was grateful for the information and forms in which to fill out, which I did. Never stop being open about what you stand for, you are not alone!!

  46. You know you’re doing something right when the negative people get upset. 🙂 Don’t let the weirdos out there bully you!

  47. Good for you! I’m glad that you wrote this post. I love reading your blog and am thankful for everything you post!!!

  48. AMEN! Thanks Melea. This world has too much filth and awfulness in it already. I’m glad there is some way we can fight against it by commenting with the FCC. Also, I didn’t see the mean and vulgar posts but I’m proud to associate with you and this site because the world can ALWAYS use more that is clean and good. Thank you again!

  49. I appalled you for standing up for the right things in life, most of us are stand offish in putting the right first. THANK YOU…

  50. Spoken like a true smart a$$! My kinda girl!!
    Your blog is the bomb, i check it several times a day!

  51. Love it!! I appreciate it as well. I feel the home and the family is really suffering and those of us who want responsible, courtious, kind and upstanding children have to make a stand. The world out there is crude enough as is we need to protect ourselves AND our children for as long as we can. GOOD FOR YOU!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

  52. Wouldn’t it be great if the people that leave negative comments on blogs would instead use that time/energy to do something positive?! What a better world it would be! Thanks so much for all you do and for all you stand for!

  53. I appreciate your family friendly blog! Thank you for keeping it that way!

  54. Thank You for having good values and standing up for what is right! I stand with you!!!

  55. I don’t understand how people could get so bent out of shape about that. If you don’t want to submit a complaint move on. Sheesh! I’m actually shocked that people wouldn’t be upset that crap like that could be coming to their TV’s!

  56. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your Blog! I’m grateful for good people who will stand for the right!

  57. Keep being you without apologizing. Your blog is great, deals and all!

  58. Thank you for your post! I appreciate your blog and the fact that you have good values!

  59. Thank you Melea for taking a stand for goodness and virtue. Your recent post is critical information that I wish everyone was aware of. Hopefully our combined effort will convince the FCC that teaching our children to use good language and be respectful & ethical citizens requires everyone’s help. We simply can’t afford to keep lowering our standards or the consequences will be devastating!

  60. I say thank you for your post about the FCC. When I saw it this morning I immediately shared the Deseret News article on Facebook and filled out the FCC form.

  61. Thank you for your posts and the time and energy you put into this blog. I love the upbeat feeling I get from it. 🙂

  62. Here Here!!!! You go girl!! Behind you 100%

  63. Melea, I’m so sorry that you had people leaving rude comments. I for one completely agree with you. As a matter of fact, last night while I was watching TV a pretty racey commercial came on. I was in shock. I thought, “Really, now I have to worry about my kids seeing commercials too, even when I know they’re watching a show that is okay.” This is your blog, you write what you want. I LOVE Freebies 2 Deals. I love that you are genuine and have integrity. I love that you you have the same values I have. Thank you for all that you do.

  64. THANK YOU! I’m so glad there are some people out there trying to help, especially about this very topic. I was disgusted that f bombs and full frontal nudity was even being considered as possibly ok to show. It seems to me that sometimes we(people against such things) are too reserved(in a good way) to be as loudly spoken as those who want to bring evil into our lives… which makes it too easy for them to do so. I agree, Stand for good, stand for families, and stand for our kids. They need good leaders and good parents! Thank you for being that!

  65. I don’t want any of that kind of stuff for my kids to see, BUT I also don’t want to see it myself! I’m not just sending the FCC a note of disapproval for my children but for ME as well!!!

  66. Thank you for posting about it yesterday. It reminded me that I needed to send my complaint to the FCC and I sent it! Thank you for standing and fighting for good with those who still actually care to fight. I am so happy to not be alone and to be with those who want there to be more good and uplifting things in this world. You are awesome and I greatly appreciate all that you do for all of us. Go Melea!

  67. Thank you for keeping me informed on things like this so I have a chance to let my voice be heard as I take a stand for my family!

  68. Thanks you for all that you do, Melea! I think sometimes people just like to hear themselves talk, or are so miserable in their own lives that they try to bring others down. I personally have been following your blog for over a year and check it several times a day. I love it, and just because every post does not pertain to me, doesn’t mean that I find it any less helpful! These people could have easily looked over the post and moved on, or even sent a comment to the FCC on why they favor their decision since everyone is entitled to their opinion. But instead they chose to be nasty. It would be like getting upset when somebody posts baby deals, and you don’t have kids. I mean seriously, how ridiculous! You will never please everybody in any circumstance and this is no exception. Thank you for making everyone aware, and we can do with the information what we like. Have a great day!!

  69. Thanks for letting us know! I did it and just sent a link to all of my contacts!!! Thank YOU

  70. We all need to stand up to keep others from lowering the standards of acceptable behaviors. I am happy that you have a wide forum to inform the public. Keep it up. 🙂

  71. Thank you for striving to keep your blog clean and standing up for good. I do not know you personally but I love that your blog is clean. I don’t have to censor anything you post and to me that is a huge relief. Thank you for all of your hard work in putting this together. And from scrolling through the comments it looks like there are a lot of us who love your blog. 🙂

  72. I am so glad you posted that on here and everything else you put on here. Love it all!

  73. I didint see the post and I rarely leave comments but today I jut want to say Thank you for all you do and for standing up for good.

  74. Thank you!!! I also read your blog because it is family friendly. Thank you for standing up for Values.

  75. GO MELEA!!!!! I am proud of you for standing up for who you are and that which is good! Love your blog, love your values!!!

  76. Thank you for posting this. I have added my complaint to the FCC.

  77. Thank you for all that you do!! Saving me money and standing up for what is right!! Thank you from Las Vegas!!

  78. I did leave a comment for the 13-86 issue on the FCC website. My son is 20 years old, however some things are just unacceptable no matter what.

  79. Well said! I hope you will keep posting about things that are important to you, even if they aren’t “deals”. I am glad you posted your recent info about the FCC. I really wouldn’t have known about it otherwise, and it is something that I feel is important to know & do something about!
    Thanks for all you do!

  80. Just like everyone else said, you have no reason to be sorry. This is your blog. If people don’t agree with you, then they can keep that to themselves. I am very grateful that you posted that cause I had no idea. No one in my family watches Prime Time but that doesn’t mean I want it to be allowed. A lot of ladies kept saying that it should be up to the parents to take control of their kids and while that is true, us as parents cannot control every aspect of what is happening in their lives. We do our best and that is all we can do. And I think refusing this kind of stuff to be allowed is exactly what a good parent needs to be doing.

    Thank you SO much for telling me. I wrote in my comments and asked others to do so as well on Facebook.

  81. Thank you for not being afraid to stand up for what’s right!!

  82. For what it’s worth, I think you’re awesome! More people need to stand up for what’s right instead of keeping quiet in order not to offend. Thanks for being a good example.

  83. Thanks for standing for right! I love your blog, and I’m sorry that happened yesterday.

  84. God bless you & keep it up girly!! love your blog & love you!!! (from Texas)

  85. GOOD FOR YOU!!

  86. ThAnK yOu for the information ! I read the awful comments before they were deleted from your site, those are the people who only think of themselves and trying to make the world more evil. I really would hate for my kids to have turned on the TV to see or hear something that their minds don’t need to be subjected to this young. Kids are not mature for this yet. Besides I really don’t want my children hearing about these things at school recess. Yes, I do talk to my kids about personal things and what to stay away from and they know how to Choose the Right, but it doesn’t help when other parents are ok with their children passing by the TV while something inappropriate is on AND then your kids talk about it at school to children who are trying to keep their minds Clean. Also I teach my kids to respect me and also others in the language they use. Let’s not fill their minds with Trash and give our innocent kids a chance to be normal and do kid stuff.

  87. Well said. I LOVE Freebies 2 Deals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. There are always haters, but that doesn’t take away from all the good you do. You save my family a lot of $ and that means a lot to me. Thanks for your hard work!!

  89. Well said! It takes courage to stand up for who you are and what you believe in. I can just tell by all the POSITIVE comments on here that you have a HUGE community of friends and supporters. I love your blog and I appreciate all the time you take to help us save money 🙂

  90. Very well said! Thanks for all you do and say!!!

  91. Well said!

  92. Because of your post, I knew something that I had missed. I read the news every day and never saw anything about this. Because of your post, I have protested, I have passed the word to all my friends and family and many of them have protested, and word will be passed to the Catholic bishop over the Pittsburgh diocese and his religious affiliates by one of my friends who also cares about morality for families. I want you to know that you have made a positive difference here and that I definitely would like you to continue just as you have. Thank you.

  93. I know exactly how you felt, when rude people come in your way. I admire you so much for everything, I mean everything you do with your blog(which is not just ‘a blog’, an amazing and useful to everyone) AND with your beautiful family! Thank you!

  94. Good for you! I support you and agree with you 100%. I’m so glad you stand up for what you believe in regardless of the backlash you may get from others. Your site is my favorite for deals, and this is part of why. 🙂

  95. Thanks for being an example and standing up for your beliefs and morals. It takes a real woman to stand up for what she believes, especially if it is not popular or “current”. I appreciate all the things you post.

  96. If we don’t stand up for family, good & protecting our children we might as well be saying we agree with the changes they want to make. Keep up the good work & we all need to let our voice be heard.

  97. First I want to say thank you for all your hard work. And to say kudos to you for standing up for what your believe in. I agree 100%, in today’s society it seems to be the norm for anything. It takes great courage to go thru the narrow gate and not the wide one. Keep up the great work.

  98. I love your blog and look forward to getting your emails every afternoon. Thanks for working hard to find the good deals for us, I refer others to your blog often. I also appreciate that you share your values, because I share the same ones 🙂 Thanks again!

  99. Amen! I love what you stand for and that you aren’t afraid to show who you are! You are an example to me. Thank you!

  100. Melia, I am sorry to hear of others being rude about your comments. I am sorrier to hear that TV standards are sliding into the gutter even faster than before. Fairly soon, TV will be a thing of the past for many families who have any sense of what is important in their children’s lives. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for standing for something in this very mediocre world!!

  101. So pleased to see someone stand up for what they believe in! Protecting families and doing good is also what I believe in and what many others in this world believe in. Thank you!

  102. I appreciated your comments and am sorry to hear that you had negative feedback to your post about the proposed changes to FCC rules. I know there are shows on TV that my children and I will never be old enough to watch. It’s too bad that they’re there for all to see. The best thing about TVs is our ability to change the channel or turn them off.

    Keep up your good work and the tactful way you encouraged those who were offended by your opinion to exercise their ability to change blogs.

  103. Amen sista!

  104. Thank you for your stand! It sickens me to think that things have come to such a pass that even more foul language and female nudity is even being *considered* as ok. Love your site and keep right on being you!

  105. I support you 100%, it’s your intellectual property and right to post whatever you want. Props to you for occasionally tying things in that are important to you and being willing to take a stand (especially publicly!). Haters Back Off!!!!


  107. I totally agree with you. I care what my children watch on TV. It not that you want to force your morals on us but it takes a village to raise a child and that may extend beyond the border of states. We are so blessed to have you.

  108. We do indeed know exactly who you are. Though I no longer practice nor attend church at this time in my life, I completely love that you are sincere and genuine in your beliefs and have the courage to uphold them in front of everyone without being preachy or in people’s faces. I really do admire all the times you have made little announcements about General Conference or other similar things that are important to you, because it is clear you truly are trying to get the word out in a way that may be helpful to people. I always enjoy hearing about your family and personal life. I think this is a very generous and selfless thing you do with your blog and I have benefited from many of your posts. Anyone who criticizes or flings profanity at you on YOUR blog, which you own and are free to run as you see fit, should be invited to find another blog to follow. You were very tactful and restrained in doing so. Thank you for standing up for good.

  109. Thank you for posts like that! There are many of us who appreciate it beyond words.

  110. I love your blog! Your tips and deals have been a huge help to me and my family. I agree with you, and it’s scary to think how fast our world is changing, and not for the better. I submitted my comment to the FCC, thanks for the link. I sincerely hope that this does not go through.

  111. As the country song says “You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything!” I think you have an excellent blog. I have been reading it 2 or 3 years. I love it! The key here is YOU. It’s your blog and YOU chose what is discussed. If someone doesn’t like what you want to discuss, then they can go read somewhere else. You do a great job!

  112. I don’t think its the governments responsibility to raise our children and keep them safe, but it sure would be nice if they’d help. Parenting is hard enough. Thanks for posting this.

  113. More ppl need to stand up for good! I love it blog!! Thanks for all the awesomeness!! 🙂

  114. I was shocked at all the negative comments too! I appreciate that you stand up for families and the good of children. I wouldn’t have known the make my comment to the FCC if it weren’t for you posting it. So glad you did so it could put my 2 cents in to the FCC. Thanks for staying true to your standards no matter what others are doing or saying!

  115. Melea you are awesome! That’s all I have to say:)

  116. Thank you!!!

  117. Good for you! I didn’t catch your other post or the comments that were left, but I just want you to know that I appreciate all that you do! You don’t have to go out and find these deals for us but you do and then you share them. You put in a lot of work for your blog, and that’s just it; its your blog so you can do with it what you like. I do hope that you aren’t discouraged. Good for you for standing up for what is right!

  118. I love your blog and have been following it daily for over a year 🙂 One of the reasons is that there’s never anything posted that’s inappropriate for my kids to see or read while I have it up. I really appreciated the article you wrote yesterday as I had no idea and will be contacting the FCC. Keep up what you’re doing!!!

  119. Thank you for standing up for good principles and values. Thank you for being willing to stand by your beliefs. And thank you for bringing this opportunity to our attention so that we may have the chance to do the same if we choose.
    You did a “good” thing today and I want to say “Thank You”!

  120. Good Job Melea! Thank you for standing up for what you believe in. If someone doesn’t like your blog they should just type in a new web address and not waste anyone’s time with their negativity.

  121. I am in agreement with protecting my children — and myself — from those who think that what is “right” is always what they think.
    While I regret your having been targeted by ill-mannered fools, I take this tiny but welcome opportunity to stand up against those who favor censorship and correction of reality.
    Good luck,


  122. That is why I love your blog!!!! And it’s what I tell everyone I know. You are a Mom first and a nice normal blog. So forget what those dumb people said. I can’t believe someone would even say mean things!!!!!!

  123. Hey, it’s your blog. You get to say anything you want. Some people are just so ready to jump on anything that will get them a lively discussion. That’s not what this blog is about. Thanks for your blog.

  124. WooHoo!! Thank you!! I think that’s fabulous and applaud you for standing for good and making a difference and making your voice heard! You’re fantastic and there are MANY who stand with you!

  125. Thank you for your post. Vocalizing and defending one’s beliefs is one of the many blessings of being alive. I should follow your lead and commit myself – publicly- to declare my value system more frequently. I agree with your post; there are already so many things to protect our children’s innocence from, and I hate to see TV add even more to that. But, if they do, you and I and many others like us will simply turn the TV off, which might be a greater benefit in the long run. Parenting is getting harder for sure, which means that many parents are also very strong individuals. Thank you for being one of those.

    Your blog is awesome, and I appreciate you taking the time to say what matters most to you. There will always be those who disagree, and hopefully they will do so respectfully.


  126. I love your family friendly blog! Let the haters find another blog. You are amazing! Keep up the great work and Thank You for all you do! Appreciate you a ton! <3

  127. Thank you for standing up to decency!

  128. Behind you all the way! It’s all about morals and sadly, that is something that is lacking all over the t.v., and all over the world. You keep right on standing up and having a voice against what goes against your values.

  129. Good for you! Its never easy to stand up for what is right in this world, but you are not alone. Keep it up!

  130. I am sure you get more positive feedback than negative. You rock!! You have my support! I have the same values that you have!

  131. I am behind you 100%. Well said.

  132. I am flabbergasted that people will do that. This is your blog and if they don’t want to be nice and respectful, then they can go somewhere else.

    I love this blog because it is family friendly and gives me info on some awesome deals. Thx for all you do. Keep up the great work cause I love seeing what deal I can get next.

  133. Standing applause over here!

  134. One of the reasons I like your blog is that you have the courage to say what you believe. I admire that and I thank you for it!

  135. I followed the link and posted. Thank you Melea!

  136. I am shocked that someone would be so hardened that they would post such negative comments. I can’t even fathom being for profanity on any media that children have immediate access to! Thanks for your great email and website. I look forward to it everyday. I have been subscribed to other coupon/saving sites and dropped them because they didn’t provide what you do. I NEVER am disappointed when I read your daily email. Thanks so much!

  137. Thank you for everything. I followed the link and posted too!

  138. Behind you! I am glad that you shared about the FCC, because it is appalling! As a mom/teacher I always try to protect my kids and students, and for people who say that it is okay-that is sad to me. Those student will come to school, and they will share what they have learned weather it be positive or negative and as far as swearing and nudity-BIG NEGATIVE! Always! (And perhaps the swearing is just words, but they are filthy words and shouldn’t be said.)

  139. I don’t see any negative comments on that post. Maybe you (rightly so) deleted them. I’m sorry people were rude to you, Melea. Hopefully now you’ve read enough positive comments from us faithful followers that you feel a little bit better. We love you, we love Freebies2Deals, we love our families too, and we love that you do what you feel is best for your family. You just keep on deleting that negativity and counting those positive comments!

  140. Support and hugs being sent your way.

  141. Thank you for standing up for what is right and helping others do it too!! Love your site and deals!

  142. Thank you for your blog and for this post. I agree with you 100%. It is appalling that the FCC wants to pass this type of legislation. This will only prove to be part of the downfall of our society.

  143. Thank goodness for people like you! I didn’t read the other post, but I will support you even MORE now that I know you stand for GOOD! Too many people backing down lately.

    God bless you!!

  144. Well said! I was also appalled at the way some people has responded on fb yesterday, but didn’t want to respond negatively to them, as I assumed it would only make things worse 🙂 You however, have voiced your feelings very eloquently. I am personally thankful to you for your post. I would not have even known about the issue at hand if it weren’t for you. I stand in line with everything that you stand for and appreciate the fact that you even think to inform us of these types of matters! I love the deals you post and use them frequently to make purchases. Thanks for all you do!

  145. Thank you for standing up for what is right! I applaud you and all you do. I am truly amazed at how many people find no offense in this issue. I want to protect my children and my family from any further filth Hollywood thinks they can put on our tvs.

  146. Thank you for standing up to the rude comments. I was shocked when I read some of the comments. You are doing the right thing! And 99% of your readers agree. It’s that 1% that feels the need to comment because they DISagree. I admire you and what you stand for. Don’t ever let the cyber bullying get to you or influence you. Keep up the awesome hard work!!

  147. It’s sad with how our world is becoming. I’m glad you brought this to my attention. I left a comment for the FCC also. It’s so disheartening that we even have to worry about seeing this on TV. Another reason I don’t let my kids watch it. If I don’t want to see it, why should they?

  148. So grateful you brought to my attention the change the FCC wants to make to Primetime Television. I had not heard or seen anything about it until I read about it on your blog and have already commented on the link you gave us. I appreciate you standing up for families and for good, though it’s not the easy thing to do. Keep bringing these important matters to our attention and standing strong for high morals and values in our society with declining morals. So grateful you are helping us stay informed! Appreciate your blog and emails too! Thank you!

  149. THANK YOU!!! I love your blog and I love what you stand for. I appreciated the information and passed it onto everyone I know.

  150. Thanks for the post. Like others have said, it’s information and if one is not interested then they can just scroll down to the next post/offer that interests them; no need to leave inappropriate comments.

  151. Thank you for taking a stand and for not backing down when the negative comments started rolling in. You are not alone. I appreciate you for maintaining a value based blog. I join with you in standing for good, for families and protecting children.

  152. I agree 100% and appreciate your strength in standing up for your beliefs!

  153. Amen sistah!!! I think you hit the nail on the head. I, among many, appreciate all you do. True, there are a million money-saving websites out there, but YOU (and your standards) is why F2D is and always will be my favorite. There will always be nay-sayers but there are many, many, many “yay”-sayers. We live and appreciate who you are and what you stand for. Keep up the good work 🙂

  154. Thanks for all you do!

  155. Way to go for standing up for what’s right!!! I echo others comments in that it is your blog and you can say whatever you want!! But thank you for being a mom to stand up for our children. If more people did this would be a better world. Thanks for your courage. I love your declaration!!!!!!!!!

  156. I support you and am thankful your blog is family friendly.

  157. Wow! Melea, You’re Awesome for all that you do and post on this blog. Thank you.

  158. Thank you for posting the blog about the FCC, it makes me feel good to see someone standing up for what they believe in. I shared this blog with my Facebook friends and hope the word gets out about this b/c it is NOT ok. Your awesome!

  159. I applaud you! I am a mom and I like being able to read blogs that’s good and family oriented! I don’t want to see people showing their “goods” sort of speak, anymore that’s all you see and it’s sad! So you keep doing what you do! And thank you for the deals and the family oriented good nature blogs!

  160. Just to add to all the others, Thank you!
    Of course it’s up to parents to raise/protect/guide their own children, but if we just let the media do whatever they want, where will they draw the line… yeah exactly there would be NO line!!
    Again, THANK YOU

  161. A HUGE THANK YOU for getting the word out about the FCC. After hearing the story last week on the news I immediately went to the FCC site and submitted my claim. I am so thankful for people like you that have the access, ability, and courage to stand up. I hope that everyone will hit the FCC site and let them know that it is not right to subject our children and even ourselves to this – that is why we shut off the satellite!

  162. I am not going anywhere! I check your blog several times a day and appreciate all that you do. It is so sad that just a few negative comments can ruin things! I know it is not easy to just ignore what people write. My sister has a blog about lesson planning and she has even had people leave rude, negative comments there. I know how much it bothers her when people are mean!

    I wish people would remember what we were told as kids…”If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all!”

    Take your negativity and drama somewhere else!

    Thank you for your awesome blog!

  163. Amen!!! Couldn’t agree more

  164. I appreciated the article. I wanted to go make a comment and had forgotten so that reminded me to go do it. Thanks for all the work you do.
    I think people forget that it is YOUR blog, if they don’t like what YOU put on it, then they can go write their own blog where everything can be just what they want. But as for me, I love everything on yours.

  165. I love everything you do and all that you stand for. Thank you

  166. I contacted FCC as soon as I read your blog, stand up for what you believe! Thank you!

  167. Keep it up! I love your blog!

  168. I know that I’m not the only one who is willing to stand with you Melea on this subject. It has been something that has irritated me for a long time when people say negative things about someone who stands up for their rights to maintain a standard of moral living. They believe that they have the right of free speech but, no one else does. You are practicing your free speech rights Melea. Keep it up!!! You are not alone. There are many out their who still believe that values and morals are important. There are many who believe that children should be protected and cherished.

  169. I love that you are such a strong woman with strong values, that’s one reason I follow your blog. I love that when there’s a great swimsuit sales that you pass 1,o00 immodest swimsuits pictures to find 1 modest one to post. Pornography is a problem we are trying to combat in our family and I strongly appreciate your constant attention to modesty. I also appreciate the post notifying all of us of the even more inappropriate changes to television. I guess they are pushing to have the television shows match all of the very inappropriate commercials already on tv. Soon, we will no longer own a television in our home. Thanks for doing what you do.

  170. While I dont agree with you on the issue, it is your right to post this on your site. I don’t know if I would do the same thing on a business site though? I personally think that business and personal opinion should be kept seperate. Just look at what happened to Chik Fil A. The reason I follow your blog is because it always has seemed like it is targeted to all people. With you being in Utah, I also live in Utah, I sometimes worry about the website turning more towards a certain religion. You have never made me feel this way though. I love your website, and the fact that people thought they had to be rude in that way is not acceptible. There is a way to disagree with someone without insulting them. I believe the government is already to involved with our lives, telling us what we can and cannot do. I think it is up to the parent to control what their child watches. I have 4 children, ages 2-13. We have TV and computer in a common area where we can see what they are doing. We also always have an adult home with them and have parental controls set on everything.

  171. It breaks my heart that people can be so inconsiderate. I have said this more than once on your blog but I love and respect that you not only stand up for your beliefs but you also aren’t afraid to talk about them. What an example you are to me!

  172. Wow, I was shocked to hear you got such negative responses from some people! Whether or not someone agrees with you on any given topic, there is no reason to rude, mean or vulgar. Personally, I just try to live like my mama always taught me: “If you can’t say something nice about somebody, don’t say anything at all!” =-}

  173. You are the only blog I follow, particularly because of your conservative, ethical beliefs about appropriate ways to “get a deal” and because you have family and faith first in your life.

  174. Thank you Melea for speaking out, for standing for good, for families, and for children! And thank you for passing along information, so that those of us that choose to do so, can also stand up and shout out for the good.

  175. If you have Netflix, there are a lot of movies on there with lots of nudity and swearing. So be careful what your kids watch on there. It is not all family friendly.

  176. Just the mere fact that you Stand up for all that’s good is what keeps me coming back to your webiste. Thank you!

  177. Thanks for being an advocate for families and for what is right!!!

  178. THANK YOU THANK YOU for having the courage to stand up for good and not only that, but for having the courage to state that those type of negative posts aren’t welcome. There is no need for that kind of negativity, so thank you for saying that. I really appreciate your blog. It is very helpful! And while I did join because of the coupons and deals, I really appreciate the other things on here, such as the post about the TV shows. Well…I am just SO grateful that people (such as yourself) are willing to stand up for good because I am CONTINUALLY disgusted with how quickly people are throwing away their standards just to be PC. ANNOYING!!!! Well…I guess that’s my rant. All I really want to say is thank you!!! And I am with you…I will ALWAYS stand up for good and for my family!!!!

  179. Thank you for standing up for good! You are not alone and I am grateful that you have the courage to stand up for good! I admire you and I stand with you as do many many more people!!

  180. Thank you Melea! I saw the subject of your email today and had to click over. I am so grateful for people like you. It is very easy to disagree with something happening in the world but to still sit back and do nothing for fear of ridicule or other negative ramifications for standing up for what’s right. I know it took courage to post this and I thank you!!! Love your website. Love the deals and love all the extra posts like this one! I don’t often catch the news so I would’ve never known about this without you. So thanks! I sent in my comments. I wish you all the success in the world. You deserve it!

  181. I was shocked at some of those responses. I am sorry you had to deal with those comments. I think you are amazing and I will always be a fan of someone who is true to their standards despite the negative feedback. Thank you for creating this and doing what you do.

  182. Thank you for posting this as a mom of 5, I want the best for my kiddos so I took the time and filled my complaint with FCC. Thank you again 🙂

  183. Thanks for standing up for what is right and decent. You are much appreciated.

  184. THANK YOU!!!

  185. Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing and standing up for good!

  186. WOW such a big deal made out of Malea just informing us of the changes to television. Seriously, I am thankful that I read your blog to learn about the changes. I hadn’t heard about this any other way but on your post. Now my husband and I are not offended easily but we are really tired of where TV is headed and yes we think it’s harmful to children! I don’t want to see anymore!

    So Malea, I’m really glad you stick to what you believe and print what you want. Just remember you can’t please everyone all the time. And that’s ok. Reading through all the posts you can see the good you do and the support you have. Even with a subject that brings not so welcome opinions you are doing the right thing. So KUDO’s to you and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  187. Thanks for posting again about this. I actually skim your blog, because I want to see if I have missed a good deal. I am a full time working mom of 2 and I don’t have too much time to be deal hunting, because my time with my kids is precious.

    Anyway, i thank you for posting again, so I could actually go read the post prior and say I agree with you full heartededly. Kids are just that, they are kids, and should be kids for as long as we can keep them that way. They don’t need to be exposed to things so young. I breast feed my infant in front of my 3 year old, so breasts are not a new thing at my house. It is the way tv would use frontal nudity, sexually, that bothers me. I in no way want my kids to see what happens behind my bedroom doors. And they don’t need to see what happens behind a strangers bedroom door either.

  188. I find I need to bite my tongue!!! This is your website—it’s free, we have a choice–we are not forced to read it or receive your emails….we choose to. Please know that your readers are grateful for all your hard work. Please keep doing what you are doing–if we disagree we can choose not to read it.
    To those who felt the need to be so harsh and rude—get your own website and please feel free to post your opinions there cause they are not wanted here.

  189. Great post, I applaud you for this. Thank you.

  190. Thank you for standing up for what you believe is right!!! I love your blog and that is one of the reasons!

  191. SO so proud of you!

  192. The wise man built his house upon a rock. You rock!

  193. I agree with everything you said and I appreciate your stance. Just keep on keeping on!

  194. I have been reading your blog everyday for about 3 years now. I love your blog because of you! There are thousands of money saving/couponing blogs out there that post the best deals, but I like your blog because of your values, morals and beliefs! So keep up the good work and don’t ever change your blog!

  195. Your comment attached to today’s list of deals was the first mention I heard about the changes to primetime TV, that I’ve heard. Thank you for sharing. Disgusted that they are considering this. I know many have become numb to filth, but I appreciate hearing others like me, stand up against it. I do not agree with those changes, and it will more than likely influence me to not look into getting cable in the future. Right now we have netflix, just can’t afford cable right now anyway. Even using that service there is a lot of junk that we have to filter through titles, to find appropriate shows to watch. Also encourages people to buy more dvd’s to watch better shows, or just pick up a book for entertainment. Thanks for the deals, and I don’t mind the personal blog info either. Refreshing to find family friendly chat.

  196. Thank you!

  197. Melea, your post made me cry. I’m not a young mom and most days I scroll through lots of deals for diapers, baby clothes, toys, etc. I could switch to another site that isn’t so “young mom” oriented, but I haven’t wanted to, and after today, I WON’T. Your post is even making me try to figure out how to contact some TV shows to tell them how I feel so I can stand up for good like you.

  198. Thank you for standing your ground. It takes courage to stand up for your values in a society that is struggling to find it’s own moral ground. I work with girls ages 12-18 and I am always amazed at their strength and integrity as they to, stand their ground.

  199. I wouldn’t have known about any of the proposed changes if it weren’t for this blog!!! I am grateful and so appreciative that you posted about it! Your blog, you post what you want. I will always follow you! Keep up the great work!

  200. You go, girl!!!! I am so proud of you! Thank you for standing up for something that is this important and for just being you. I love your personal flavor to this site and continue viewing it because I know that you share my own values. A huge hug your way!!!!

  201. Thank you for standing up for good family values! I want all individuals to be happy, and there are sometimes when people are mistaken about what will bring happiness.

  202. You’re awesome! I’m glad you stand up for what is right! I thought it was great that you posted the link for the tv thing. Definitely the sort of thing a majority of your readers would want to know about!

  203. Thank you Malea! You said it perfectly!! I stand with you!

  204. Good for you!!!! I appreciate you letting us know about this. And I appreciate your morals!!!! Keep up the good work!

  205. I look up to you Malea!! We live in a world where good is called evil and evil good. We are so blessed to know the truth found in the gospel. When others attack, we’ve hit a soft spot, and told the truth. Lamen and Lemuel did not like hearing the truth and the world is the same way. You are a light in this dark world. And remember just the light of a candle in complete darkness can be seen from Miles away! I have been so abundantly blessed from finding your blog and I am amazed what couponing has done for my family. I just started couponing in January. Not only do I have a progressing food storage now, but you’ve helped teach me the Skills to keep it up. And your efforts, like a ripple, will continue as I progress I plan to bless others by donating my excess etc. I’m thankful you posted about the media, I think it is even applicable to future mothers, or future wives, or pretty much Everyone. Seeing as how we all watch television, and we all have spirits who are effected by what we view regardless of our age or gender! Keep up the great work, and thanks again in more ways than one!

  206. Woop, woop! Atta girl, show ’em what real Mommas are made of! I also appreciated your warning, responded to it, and spread it around! Thanks for all you do! And I hope all these positive comments bury the negatives six feet deep!

  207. I totally agree with you 100%! Keep doing what you’re doing because you are keeping all of us in the know! I am pretty much a single stay at home mom and don’t know what goes on in our world unless I turn on the tv or the computer. And I wouldn’t want my child seeing or hearing those things on television. I love reading your blogs and your posts on deals. Saving money is one of my biggest mottos! Keep em coming and never change who you are! 🙂

  208. Great job Malea! Keep up the great work! I’m sticking with you!

  209. I appreciate that you are taking a stand! I totally support you and your blog and will keep following you!

  210. Couldn’t have said or wrote it any better!!! Your doing a GREAT JOB and we appreciate it!! Not in favor of ANY of that for my family!!!!!! So, So sad 🙠Thank you for all you do and glad you had something to write about it!!!!!

  211. I sent my letter to FCC because you posted…thank you…I appreciate the knowledge

  212. You’re awesome! Luv Ya!

  213. Here! Here! Way to say it how it is! Thanks for standing up for what you believe in! You are a great example to all of us!

  214. I appreciate what you stand for & all you do! Please continue to share your convictions with us, & never mind those who oppose!

  215. Ugh. It only takes a few mean people to ruin it for everyone. I appreciate your post and I agree with you. If others disagree, that is fine, but it is not ok to be rude about it. I appreciate your post and doing your part to stand up for the good in this world.

  216. Way to go! Thanks for Standing for what is Right!

  217. Malea, I really appreciate your posts about non-deal related issues. I’m not a mom yet (gotta get the hubby through grad school first) and because of that I sometimes miss items that will affect kids in the future. I appreciated your post about the FCC (and have contacted them as you suggested) because it will affect my future family. Thank you for standing up for family! It seems like those who are willing to publicly stand up for family values are few and far between. I appreciate your courage and your willingness to help keep those around you informed. I also wanted to let you know that because of this post and posts in the past I’ve become much more conscientious of current events that will affect my family and my ability to create a safe haven for my kiddos (when we have them). Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


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