
Parents! We Need to Ban Together! FCC Wants to Allow F-Bombs and Female Frontal Nudity on Primetime TV! This is NOT Ok!

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(Photo Credit: Deseret News)

First of all, thanks to Stephanie for sending this to my attention.  I had no idea.. and I’m betting a lot of you probably didn’t either.

“F-bombs” and some female frontal nudity could soon become kosher for primetime TV — but major media outlets have largely ignored that development during the 10 days that have transpired since the Federal Communications Commission announced it is considering relaxing the decency standards that govern nudity and profanity on broadcast television.”  -Deseret News  You can read more here from Deseret News.  Or, you can read the story on Yahoo.

Um, that is NOT ok with me!  And anyone with kids would feel the same way!  If people want to see that kind of stuff, and hear it, they can  pay for those Cable channels that show that kind of stuff……

A lot of media outlets have not talked about this story on radio, tv or print because it would actually help them.  Right now, media outlets can get fined hundreds of thousands of dollars when a mistake like an F-Bomb or clothing malfunction exposing an inappropriate area happens.  With this change the FCC is proposing, they wouldn’t be fined that same way because the rules would be more relaxed.

For those who are interested in telling the FCC how they feel about the proposed changes to TV decency standards, below are three simple steps for doing so:

  • Go to https://apps.fcc.gov  (Make sure the Filing Number is 13-86)
  • Fill in the Form and the comment you want to leave.
  • Then confirm your comment to submit it to the FCC.

If you want to make sure the FCC knows how you feel about this upcoming possible change, you have to let them know before April 30th, 2013!  PLEASE share this with other families that you know so we can make a ruckus!

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  1. Thank you for this information. I went right in and submitted a comment.

  2. I left my complaint on the FCC’s website. Also, bot to be a grammar stickler, but it’s “band” together, not “ban.”

    • Not to be a grammar stickler but its “but” and not “bot”. Guess you need to check yours before you call someone else out about theirs.

      • JH – I just replied the same! How funny but we did it at the same time I think.

      • I was actually trying to type “not.” Thanks. I wasn’t attacking Melea, I was pointing out the error in her grammar. There are things that bug me, most I can let slide, but I figured she might want to know the correct phrase.

    • Don’t be a grammar police officer if you are going to spell things incorrectly. A “ban together” would be all of us banning something together. Perfect play on words. Forming a band is still correct. Sorry to rain on your parade, but just wanted to help you out and still defend Melea.

      • LOL!!! Too funny!

  3. Isn’t the world bad enough without allowing more nudity and wrong words for our children and grandchildren to hear???

  4. Thank you so much for posting this!!! I am so glad that I sent you the email- I was looking through my email addresses to see who to send this to and for some reason your email was in my address book- and I thought might as well! Melea could totally make a difference if she forwards this info on! Thank you so much! I really hope this makes a difference!

  5. Thank you for providing this information. I sent in my disapproval of this type of change.

  6. Done!!!!

  7. Sunday school or not… Children should not see nudity or hear f-bombs on TV!!! Thanks for posting this Malea, now we can get good sales and protect our children at the same time! Your post was what MOST of us would have wanted, for our children’s sake.

  8. The FCC is accepting comments regardarding anyone’s opinion. There is no need to be rude or disrespectful. Thanks for posting what is important to YOU on YOUR blog and for informing readers to take a stand if it is important enough to them to do so.

  9. Pretty sure since this is Melea’s blog, she can post what she wants. You can choose to read it or not. There is no reason to get angry.

    My children don’t watch prime time TV, so it is not a concern for them. However I don’t want to see or hear those things!! I will most definitely be writing them. Thank you for giving us a heads up for those who may be concerned.

  10. Wow can not believe their are people being so rude about your post here. It’s your choice what you post Malea and I am proud of you for doing it. Don’t let any of these rude comments bother you or waste any of your time. We are becoming more and more relaxed on whats okay and I am getting sick and tired of it. Even with EDUCATING my children, I do not believe it is a positive thing to have it be okay to have the
    f-bomb or more nudity shown up on tv. Yes lets just get so use to TRASH around us that we don’t have any manners or consideration for others. That it starts to become the norm… NO THANKS! Malea by you taking the time to post this with all the info included just goes to show that you are involved in your children’s life and education. You could have not posted anything but you educated yourself and stood up for your children.No mom should ever get bashed for that! You rock!

  11. Thank you for posting this. I’ll share! 🙂

  12. Thanks for posting this. I will share 🙂

  13. Thanks!

  14. Thanks for posting, I had no idea! I don’t have kids, yet, but still do not want to see frontal nudity and hear certain profanity. If the FCC starts to allow a few more curse words and a little nudity in a few years when I have kids old enough for TV, who knows what TV channels may air!! :/

  15. I submitted my claim a few weeks ago, but I appreciate you putting this on your blog. What a great way to get the word out! This is so important to protect our kids and families. Thank you so much, Malea!

  16. Seriously! It’s about time that the government stopped putting restrictions on things and put the responsibility of parenting back in parents hands! Go FCC!

    • Really… That’s how you feel parents lose control in parenting their kids, what the FCC restricts???

  17. Thank you for sharing. I am going to pass along this information to my family and friends. I feel the same way you do and it is not appropriate for my children or myself. I also wanted to let you know I think you are GREAT and you were very respectful in your post.

  18. Thanks for the post! Filed my compliant. Recently picked up a book that was full of this kind of language and although it had a great story line I tossed it before I was very far into it because I hate that. Don’t want to see or listen to this kind of material myself and definitely don’t want my kids exposed to it. One of the reasons I like Netflix and my DVR is I don’t have to worry about the commercials we are going to be exposed to when we are watching tv as a family.

  19. I left my opinion about the matter! Thanks for bringing it to everyone’s attention. It’s definitely a time when we must speak up for what is important. The media will continue to roll their views and morals (or lack thereof) or every home possible if we don’t band together.
    Thanks again!

  20. Done! Thanks for using your website to promote goodness in the world. We tend to think that sometimes we are on an island and that everything around us is crumbling. It’s so good to know that we have millions of good people on our side. Great job.

  21. I submitted mine and posted this post on my facebook page. Hopefully we can stop them from allowing this!

  22. If they allow nudity and more profanity on tv why does that mean that everyone’s children and grandchildren are going to see it? Perhaps morals and rules about tv should be taught and enforced at home instead of by the government. It’s not like Barney is going to all of a sudden show nudity, it’s shows that your children
    already shouldn’t be watching that may begin to show nudity. So block those shows and maybe pay attention to what your children watch instead of crying to the government to have them control every aspect of our lives to “save our children”.

    • I agree with you that parents need to be parents but nobody is saying that here and what happens when the nudity or F bombs show in commercials! That happens a lot I think already! There are some commercials that come on DURING CHILDREN SHOWS that are too sexy for kids or too much language.

    • Thank You, so tired of the government getting so involved in every aspect of our lives. And if there are commercials that come on during children’s programs write the stations, the programs that are aired, and the sponsors of your disapproval. Every channel has a complaint department, write them instead of waiting for the government to do something.

      • Thank you for your advice I will do that. They should have trash on only certains stations and you have to subscribe to them.

      • You do realize that this is about the government having LESS involvement in our lives by NOT doing anything unless something is egregious, right? What you are wanting here is MORE government involvement by prosecuting all infractions. I’m not saying I disagree with that, just that what everyone here wants is most certainly MORE, not LESS government involvement.

    • There has to be some standard of public decency. As parents we have the right and responsibility to just turn it off. Heck, I’ll cut the cord and tell Hollywood to shove it! But I’m concerned about the effect it will have on society as a whole. Children can no longer escape media. Everywhere they go they are bombarded with it. We can’t even watch the Discovery Channel without seeing all sorts of inappropriate advertising. The only control and safeguard parents have at this point is the fact that there is still this tiny shred of a public standard, which has been eroded to the point that it’s barely effective. But we have not crossed that final boundary yet, and that is just what the FCC wants to do. I’m not looking for the government to parent for me, but I do expect my government to impose standards on an out-of-control industry for the good of the innocents that will inevitably be caught in the cross hairs. As society becomes more and more sexualized women and children become more and more vulnerable.

      You may think that your family will be unaffected by having vulgarity on television, but not everyone is as unaffected by images and expressions. Tendencies and emotions which may only be in their infancy in some people will be kindled and stoked. To say that is not a possibility is naive and narrow minded. This “minor change” will be the gateway to “anything goes,” and children and society will pay the price for Hollywood’s lust for ratings and revenue because of our government’s utter failure to uphold (not impose) a shred of public decency.

      • So well written, Kendra. I agree 100%. Thank you.

      • Beautifully written comments Kendra and you hit the nail on the head!!

      • I don’t think the FCC wants to lower standards. I think that they just don’t have the resources, given the sequester and all the cuts, to enforce everything anymore. Thus, they have to figure out where they can cut enforcement. If you want better enforcement, you need to not only contact the FCC, but also contact your representatives and demand full funding for the important parts of our government.

    • Agreed that parents should teach high standards at home, but shouldn’t we have help from the government to raise healthy and morally responsible citizens?

      For your argument to hold true, we should just make it okay for minors to have sex and do drugs right? I mean all we have to do is teach them at home…

  23. Thank you for the information – I sent a note to them as well! I love this blog! 🙂 Thanks for all you do to help us.

  24. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for posting this!!! So sad to see the decline in the moral character of this country, and this world for that matter. What we allow on public TV is only ONE indicator of such decline…

  25. Thanks for being such a great example…I also wrote and sent my message to these wonderful people I’m glad we have people out there like you!!! thanks again:)

  26. THANK YOU for posting this!!!!

  27. I think it’s great to stand up for what you believe in. Though I don’t necessarily agree with you on this subject, I think it’s great you are letting your voice be heard. You have every right to publicly post something you are for or against. I think it’s silly that people are being so negative towards you because you have varying opinions. Guess what people? You don’t have to hate someone because they have a different view point.
    I think your blog is great. Keep doing what you do.

  28. I appreciate this post. I don’t allow my children to watch prime time TV either, but even with that said, I personally do NOT want to hear the F-bomb or see frontal nudity. We can protect our children, but adults do not need to be seeing that either. 🙂

  29. I care so much about all our children in this world and am grateful that you posted this. I had heard about it a few weeks ago and it scares me. Our kids need to be sheltered from this type of stuff. They need to have the opportunity to be kids. . . . . THANK YOU for posting this.

  30. I am grown adult and I do not like to have nudity on tv or the f bomb on tv. It not acceptable
    And I do have 3 childern, I do not care what your race or reglion it does not belong on tv.
    I have 16 year old child and she tell me that it everday word at there school that make me sick.
    I know cannot control what come out people mouth, but we control what on tv and it can be regulated.

  31. Melea, you are right on. Parent’s should be monitoring what their children watch, I agree. But I don’t want to see or hear that stuff either! They need to clean up TV and if people want to watch PG-13 and R-rated stuff they can pay for it at the movie theater. Thank you for standing up for what is moral and right.

  32. Hello! Thank you for posting this. I am already disgusted with the commercials and filth that are out there. The world is going to pots. I wrote a disapproving note to the FCC. I hope this doesn’t pass. Please keep standing for good!

  33. Thank you for the information. Pass this along to everyone, because the site says that it needs more than 1 million negative comments to get the FCC’s attention.

  34. Well said about the children. But I also want to be able to sit down and watch TV with my HUSBAND and not have pornography flashed before us. There is already too much garbage on TV, just give us some decency in adult shows, so we won’t be restricted to watching Barney! And even if we parents “parent our children” and restrict them from watching TV, there will always be children who do see it. And our children go to school with these children. In reality, it will come around to affect everyone. So lets do what we can to protect society!

  35. Just keep doing your thing and try not to let the opinions of low information people get you down or affect who are and what you do. You’re standing up for yourself and your beliefs. Unfortunately there will always be those people who mock and put down others who have higher standards and try to share them. I’ll never understand why people with high standards are expected to tolerate and accept the low standards of others. That offends me! We have to do all we can to protect our families because if it’s left in the hands of others we’re in trouble. Melea, you’re doing a great job, just consider the negative comments as a sign that you’re doing what’s right. (1 Nephi 16:1-5) You Rock!

  36. Well done Melea!
    I’m not a child, but I don’t want to see that stuff and neither do the other members of my family. There’s always cable for filth if that’s what someone wants.
    When someone thinks their job is at risk they will be more likely to do the mea culpa.
    I fear the FCC is made up of porn addicts.

  37. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about all the death and destruction that’s on TV rather than vulgarity and nudity? I don’t support the FCC on this because allowing female nudity is yet another notch added to an already misogynistic society. The vulgarity, I don’t really care either way for, but the beeps have been working so far, so I don’t see the point in changing that. Maybe there should be a watershed time slot allowing these rather than an all out allowance. Watershed seems to have worked in countries like the U.K.
    Anyway, back to the point, I just think it’s a little hypocritical to get up in arms about vulgarity/nudity but then be okay with all the violence, death and bloodshed, stupidity for stupidity’s sake (think Jersey Shore/Kardashians) and sexist brainwashing (the ads are enough proof of this) to get so outraged about only this particular issue.

  38. Bravo for standing up for what’s right Melea!

  39. Thank you for posting. I had no idea

  40. The people that are doing this didn’t have the risk in their lives of seeing this ukkkk on tv. When they changed the channel from Sesame Street to…there was no risk of hearing the f word or seeing a naked adult between channels.I can’t believe we even have to address this.I worry for our future generations.Are people that hard up ?I say No to this !!!!!I don’t care if you like my spelling or anything else in this writting.Grow up people.Save the kids from filth

  41. Thank you so very much for bringing this to my attention and for posting it on your blog. It saddens me that people would reply so negatively to you standing up for something so important. But know that there are so many more of us out there who share your same values. Thank you again!

  42. It’s not only protecting kids but I personally hate it! The Fword is tasteless and I dont want to see boobs on television!

  43. What ever happened to just turning the TV off or changing the channel if you disagree with what is on? Nobody is forcing anybody to watch anything and if parents are that concerned about the content of TV shows then they should do a better job of monitoring what their children are watching and not allow them to watch things that they don’t agree with or want them to see.

  44. Thank you! Thank You! For standing up for what you believe in and for bringing this to the attention of others. I had no idea about this and appreciate you sharing it!

  45. You are absolutely right!!

  46. Thank you for posting where we can submit our disapproval 🙂

  47. Thanks for the heads up. I have already posted my opinion.

  48. AMEN Melea! I just filled out my form with the FCC – thanks so much for putting this out there. I love your blog and your standards. Keep standing up!

  49. Banning together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) “Wherefore whoso believeth in God hope for a better world….”-Ether 12:4 I hope for a better world! and we can make a difference!

  50. You keep standing up for good! Remember there must be opposition in all things. It’s sad that people have to disagree in a vulgar and mean way, but I thank you for not lowering your standards and for helping to keep others informed. We need more people like you. Where would the world be if no one ever stood up for the good? Keep up the great work and don’t worry about what others say or think, in the end good will conquer evil and you will be on the right side!!!
    The silent majority must stand up and be heard, and I will be one of them!

  51. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! I wrote a complaint.

  52. Thank you. I submitted a comment.

  53. Thank you Melea, I have filed my complaint to the FCC too.

  54. Again, the government wins because we haven’t heard about this. Melea, thank you so very much for posting this. Continue to stand for what you believe for yourself, your children and your country. There are still many in this country that believe the same as you; we don’t want to see or hear this trash on our TV! Thank you!!

  55. Thanks so much for posting this. I already did this weeks ago. I am one of the many parents out there that limit what their kids see. I also am picky about what I watch. I worry about those kids that their parents don’t do this. It is sad when your 2nd grade daughter tells you that 2 boy in their class want to do inappropriate things. Things that are in r and x rated shows. It is those kids that we need to think of when the FCC decides on these things. I know that the kids had to be watching cable or pay per view to see these but those who don’t have it shouldn’t be subjected to it. It is nice to hear from those who stand up against it. Keep up the good work.

  56. Thanks for posting! I’m going to complain to them, and share it on facebook. I hope others do the same. Great Example!

  57. Oh my word! Thank you so much! I am not a parent yet, but just the thought of having that in my home is disturbing enough as it is! If this goes through, I will definitely be canceling my cable and never watching tv again! It’s not worth it for stuff like that!

  58. QUESTION: I went to file but it said all information submitted, including name and address would be publicly available via the web. I’m a very private person and this bothers me. Does anyone know the reason why this is? I’m hesitant to confirm submission with my information being put out on the web like that.

  59. Funny the people who argue that the FCC should make the change because there’s already too much “government” in our lives (which may or may not be true in general, but in this case, I personally think it’s an appropriate intrusion). I guess according to that argument, then we don’t need speed limits, or reckless driving laws, or laws against hurting other people. Cause, you know, just teach your kids not to ever speed or drive recklessly, or hurt others, and no one ever will, right?. Besides, if you do get hit by someone speeding, it’s your own fault for getting in your car and driving somewhere. You don’t ever have to get in a car and drive, after all.
    These anti-government arguments don’t hold a lot of water for me, in this case. I do think you need to be careful of what you watch on TV and let your kids watch. I also think we all have a right to a certain level of public decency and safety in our society, and unfortunately, without the government enforcing it, it won’t happen.
    There are some things in a society that are just a bad idea, I believe. Like speeding. Or driving drunk or recklessly. Or even more profanity and nudity on mainstream television.

  60. I had no idea about this, but I’m so happy that you posted it! I don’t have any children yet, but I do have standards for myself, and I know that nudity and profanity is something that I do not want to be submitted to on television. There’s already enough trash on tv!! I wish that our society had a stronger sense of morals, because I can’t imagine what the situation will be like by the time I do have children. Unfortunately, it’s a scary thought.

  61. Thanks for posting this! Yes, we need to monitor what we allow our kids to watch but I don’t want my favorite shows and TV ads to pollute me, too. We were watching a family channel (has “family” in its name) the other day during the day and an add for a show on that channel later that night came on. The ad was so filled with immorality and filth we haven’t watched that channel since.

    I think the F word is so vulgar. I don’t want to hear it, let alone my children. And I don’t want my family, including myself and my husband to see nudity. The only naked woman I want my husband to see is me. The world is already suffering from porn addiction. Do we really need to help more people down that path? If people want to see it or don’t mind it, let them watch HBO or cable channels that can be subscribed to and leave the rest to those of us who don’t want that filth in our brains. I wish we could vote on violence on TV, too. I’d be happy with less of that as well.

  62. Thanks for posting this! I am happy to help stand for things that are right 🙂 Thanks for this opportunity to help and to be an example for our children!

  63. Way to go standing up for what’s right and helping the rest of us be aware! You are such a great person and making a difference in the world. Sad to see the negative comments on here. Your follow up post was great! Keep staying strong! Just remember you get WAY more positive feedback on this than negative 🙂

  64. I just thought everyone TIVO-ed everything anyway. I doubt the majority of shows I watch would suddenly put in fully-frontally nude women, dropping the f-bomb into their plot lines with extreme haste. Would that really make the cut with Modern Family, Parenthood, Parks and Rec, or any of the other things in our demographic–I just can’t see the Good Wife going that far south? I suspect this is the relax the f-bomb debate that was created when J. Timberlake ripped off his grandmother’s costume–Janet Jackson–during the Super Bowl. If you remember, once we were titillated, they then started fining people for accidental slips and such. If it does put a bee in your bustle, more power to you. You know what is AWESOME–people participating in their government. Go get’em y’all! (Yes, as pun-tastic as the rest of this was, I am actually,completely genuine and serious about everyone on all sides of the aisle becoming politically aware and fighting for exactly what they care about)


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