The Melea Show

Something FUN for a Boring Tuesday! What�s In My Makeup Bag?? Including Makeup Tricks!

what's in my makeup bag

Since it’s just a boring, regular old Tuesday, I thought it would be fun to invite Bonnie from the YouTube Channel Bonnie Hoellein to do a Makeup Bag reveal and share a “What’s In My Makeup Bag?” type of video for you guys. She’s a makeup fanatic–and her makeup looks amazing. So we played a little Russian Roulette with our makeup bags to see what was the same, what was different and what makeup items we now want to try after seeing the other person’s picks. READ MORE »

My Picks for the Best Swimsuits for 2016! Cute One-Pieces, Tankini’s and More! Plus- Exclusive Discounts!

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Looking for figure flattering swimwear or cute one piece swimsuits? It’s time to share My Picks for the Best Swimsuits for 2016! �There’s a little of everything in the video–one-pieces, monokinis, tankinis and supportive two-pieces. �So hopefully no matter what style you personally wear, I can share my favorites and deals on all of them! It’s almost summertime and I can’t wait! READ MORE »

My Trick to Going 7 Days Without Washing My Hair!


This last week, I went 7 days without washing my hair so I could show you guys just how awesome this Dry Shampoo is!�7 DAYS!�It can really save a busy mom!�I even went to TV Appearances without washing it�an absolute first for me! But you seriously couldn’t even tell.� READ MORE »

Retailers are Being Sneaky about this NEW Price Matching Tip!

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I had an experience this past week with Price Matching and realized that a lot of you might not even realize that this Price Matching Tip exists because Retailers have been pretty sneaky about it so far. �And if you aren’t paying attention, you might totally miss it! �So head on over here and watch the quick video I put together for you guys so you can literally save thousands a year with Price Matching. READ MORE »

Upcoming **HINT** for Universal Studios California & Harry Potter World!

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There are so many different ways to talk to you guys, answer questions, interact and have a way to share fun finds, deals or activities on social media. �Talking with you guys is THE best part of what I do! �Plus, you always have great ideas, suggestions and tips of your own! READ MORE »

It’s Finally Here!! My Mother’s Day Gift to All of You!

cinderella motherhood in real life video

If you have been following me on my Facebook Page or Instagram, you know that I’ve been working really hard on a Cinderella Mother’s Day Tribute Video that I put together with the guys over at Working with Lemons. �Well, after months of development, shooting, designing, etc, it’s finally time to release this video and share it with you all! �And it’s not just a regular old Cinderella Video…. it’s a Cinderella: Motherhood in REAL Life Video. It should make you laugh, be totally relatable and it might even make you mist up a bit. �But most importantly, it will help you remember how great it is to be a Mom or how wonderful your own Mom is! READ MORE »

Affordable and Cheap Fix for Super Dry Hair & Scalp! I Do This Every Season Change!

affordable and cheap very dry hair & scalp fix

When the seasons change, your skin (and your scalp) go through this weird shock. �And if you live in a super dry area, like I do, it can make it even worse! �So today, I’m sharing an Affordable & Cheap Fix for Super Dry Hair and Scalp over on my YouTube Channel. �It will make a world of difference and you’ll be amazed you didn’t start doing this sooner! READ MORE »

VLOG Time: Behind the Scenes at Cavalia, Our Dance Competition FAIL & More!

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One of the things about my life is that there is always something going on or always an event to attend. And a lot of those times I get to access things that most people don’t get to see because of the blog. �So that’s why I LOVE filming those and sharing them with you guys so you can see it all! READ MORE »

Target vs Walmart Beauty Box: Which One is Best for Your Money?

walmart vs target beauty box unboxing

I love saving money but I also LOVE beauty products. The Target Beauty Box and the Walmart Beauty Box are two of the cheapest beauty boxes around. �So today, I’m comparing the two, letting you know which one has the most bang for your buck and how to get your hands on them before they run out each month! Head over and watch my “Target vs Walmart Beauty Box UNBOXING Video”�here. �And get ready.. because in about a week, NEW boxes should be available. �I’ll post when they go live over on my Instagram account so you can snag them before they run out! READ MORE »

How to Save Money Traveling to Mexico! International Travel Tips Too!

how to save money traveling to mexico

Since we recently got back from a trip to Mexico, I’ve had a lot of emails and comments asking about ways to save on a trip to Mexico. In today’s video, I’m sharing “11 tips on How to Save Money Traveling to Mexico!” Plus, it includes some universal tips for international travel too. So whether you already have a trip planned or want to go there in the future, this video will give you the inside info you need! READ MORE »

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