There are so many different ways to talk to you guys, answer questions, interact and have a way to share fun finds, deals or activities on social media. �Talking with you guys is THE best part of what I do! �Plus, you always have great ideas, suggestions and tips of your own!
Yesterday, I was on�Hallmark’s Home & Family TV Show sharing some awesome deals that are available for Mother’s Day. �Since this show is actually filmed on the Universal Studios Backlot (you can even see us filming when you go on the Backlot Tour), it’s a pretty cool behind-the-scenes type of situation.
While I was there, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to head into�Universal Studios Hollywood’s brand new Wizarding World of Harry Potter! �It just opened a few weeks ago and I am going to be putting together a “Travel Guide Video to Harry Potter World California” Video�AND a “Top Things to NOT Miss at Universal Studios Hollywood Video”�that I will share on my YouTube Page and the new “The Melea Show” Facebook page I just created. So feel free to either subscribe or follow either of those so you won’t miss those Harry Potter Videos when they come out! �With the amount of content I think I will have, there will probably be more than one video worth sharing for tips & tricks.
And did I mention that I will be sharing DEALS so your family can go to Harry Potter World in California too?? �You won’t want to miss that! So make sure your following me on that new Melea Show FB page or over on YouTube.
PHEW! I think I’ve caught you up! �OH– and if you didn’t see my Mother’s Day Gift to all of you guys, make sure you do!�I might not be able to give you all something or personally tell each and every one of you how amazing, wonderful and special you are. �But, God did give me the gift of singing. �And it’s something I can share with ALL of you. So here you go!
**You can also see the Behind-the-Scenes/FUNNY version over here as well.
McCall J
That was really you singing?!
Melea Johnson
Yep, sure was!