Free Stuff / Mothers Day / The Melea Show / Videos

It’s Finally Here!! My Mother’s Day Gift to All of You!

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cinderella motherhood in real life video

If you have been following me on my Facebook Page or Instagram, you know that I’ve been working really hard on a Cinderella Mother’s Day Tribute Video that I put together with the guys over at Working with Lemons. �Well, after months of development, shooting, designing, etc, it’s finally time to release this video and share it with you all! �And it’s not just a regular old Cinderella Video…. it’s a Cinderella: Motherhood in REAL Life Video. It should make you laugh, be totally relatable and it might even make you mist up a bit. �But most importantly, it will help you remember how great it is to be a Mom or how wonderful your own Mom is!

There are two videos: �the full “Cinderella: Motherhood in REAL Life Video” and the “Cinderella Funny Behind-the-Scenes Video”. �So I will link you to both of them!�

cinderella motherhood in real life video

(If you can’t see this video in your RSS Feed or Email Update, head here to watch it instead.)

Cinderella Funny Behind the Scenes Video

(If you can’t see this video in your RSS Feed or Email Update, head here instead.)

�I hope you love it! �If you do, please share this video with all of the Moms in your life�and wish them a Happy Mother’s Day too!

Share the Cinderella: Motherhood in REAL Life Video with this link:

Share the Cinderella Funny Behind the Scenes Video with this link:

Thank you so much for all of your support! �I know something like this is totally NOT what I normally do. �But being a Mom–including its ups and downs–is such a blessing and putting together something magical like this to share with all of the moms out there seemed like the perfect way to pay tribute!

**If you haven’t yet, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel while you are there watching my Behind-the-Scenes Video.�

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  1. Awww so lovely!! I love it !! Thank you!! And congratulations on your show!!!

  2. Melea, it breaks my heart to see you sacrifice your self-respect by removing your temple garments and wearing an immodest gown (even if it is from a cartoon) that is overly revealing. Your dignity as a woman is worth more than views on a YouTube video. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” I will pray for you and plead to our Father in Heaven that you will turn from sin and remember the holy covenants you have made. All my love.

    • Wow. That’s actually a very modest Cinderella dress. It’s long in length, not see through, and her lady parts were covered. I’m impressed! After reading this comment I was very suprised, Pauline must have been watching a different video.
      Thanks Melea for this cute video, I will show it to my mom on mother’s day and she’ll get a laugh remembering how it is to raise 4 children. The bloopers were hilarious! Best to you and your family!

  3. I have to say, I went into this pretty skeptical thinking it would be very cliche. But it worked! It made me cry! I have been singing this song all day long now! And, you’re voice is amazing!!!

  4. Darling! All of you did such a great job!!! Your voice is so beautiful!! Thank you for creating/sharing such a fun video.

  5. Thanks for this. I LOVED it! You are amazing!

  6. You looked great with 4! I see two more in your future. Very cute and great message.


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