The prices listed below may not be the same prices you see at your Wal-Mart. Two Wal-Mart stores could be 2 miles away and be completely different in price. This matchup is intended to give you an idea of what coupons go with which discounted items… hopefully you can get them for the same price I have listed!
When I first started this website, an awesome $3.00 off Bacon Wrapped Filet Steaks Coupon came out from Chef’s Requested. Well, at Wal-Mart, they sell two in a package for only $3.28. That means, only $.14 per steak! It’s a crazy deal. And, to top it off… the Filets are amazing! My husband and I love them!
I’ve heard from a few readers that their Huggies Wipes $2.00 off 2 Coupon reset!! So, head over to to see if it did for you!
First of all, Victoria’s Secret just released a coupon for a Free Limited Edition Panty, when you purchase ANY item. So, purchase something around a $1.00. They have travel sized items, or something next to the register that would work too! Just take in this coupon with you. The coupon states that it will go until they run out. So call ahead before you make the trip.