*RP Stands for Red Plum, SS stands for Smart Source, PG stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all coupon inserts that come in the Sunday Paper. **Don’t forget about the Limited Time Newspaper Subscription!! It’s only $.75 per paper! It is ending soon! You will save more money the first time you go shopping than the price you paid for the subscription!
With any $10 purchase at Bath and Body Works, you can get a Free Signature Item worth up to $12!! We have until July 25th to use it.
If you are heading to the mall sometime soon, take the Beauty Rush Lip Gloss Coupon with you to Victoria’s Secret! You can get it FREE with any purchase. (Exp 7/21)
Update: Hey guys! I need to post a retraction! When I did this deal yesterday, I didn’t even check the size restriction on the coupon. And, now it looks like I might have used the coupon on the wrong size!! I cannot believe I did this and have never made that big of a mistake before. I am really upset with myself and will be calling Macey’s today to see how they would like to fix the situation. For those of you who are new to coupons, if you use a coupon for the wrong size item- stores won’t get reimbursed for the coupon. And we always want to make sure they do, or they may stop accepting them. So sorry for the mistake! I will fix it with Macey’s today!
Any of the deals you see below can be used with the $5.00 off $25 Rite Aid Coupon. So, put together some awesome deals that reach $25 before coupons, then use the $5.00 off coupon along with the rest of the manufacturer coupons! Let us know what crazy deals you come up with!
Michael’s Craft Store will usually give out 40% off coupons. But we rarely see a 50% off coupon!
**Don’t forget, there is a KRAZY Limited- Time Newspaper Subscription Deal for Utah Residents right now that I grabbed for you guys. You basically end up getting each Sunday Newspaper for only $.75 each!! So, if you don’t have coupon inserts yet, you will want them to start saving some serious money!