
Back to School Shopping Deals are starting!

I know you are probably thinking, “We just got out of school!” And, that is totally true.  But, the Back to School sales are starting already.  They will get a little more crazy towards the end of July though, so get ready. READ MORE »

Target's BEST Deals 7/4-7/10

**Don’t forget, there is a KRAZY Limited- Time Newspaper Subscription Deal for Utah Residents right now that I grabbed for you guys.  You basically end up getting each Sunday Newspaper for only $.75 each!!  So, if you don’t have coupon inserts yet, you will want them to start saving some serious money! READ MORE »

Walgreen's BEST Deals 7/4-7/10

Walgreen’s BEST Deals 7/4-7/10

If you are new to Walgreens, read the next few paragraphs. If not, you can skip down to the deals below. READ MORE »

$5.00 off a Whirlpool or Maytag Water Filter!

Right now, you can grab $5.00 off any Whirlpool or Maytag Water Filter for your Refridgerator.  This is a really cool coupon that I haven’t seen before. It was on page 14 for me.  But could be on a different page for you. READ MORE »

Semi-Annual Sale at Bath and Body Works, Plus 20% off $25!

If you are a fan of Bath and Body Works, you will want to make sure you stop by soon.  They have almost finished their Semi-Annual sale.  And, items are up to 90% off!  Plus, you can get an additional 20% off any $25 Purchase with this coupon. READ MORE »

Updated AGAIN: Wal-Mart's Weekly Deals List! 40 Deals under $1.00, 9 are FREE!

There are some seriously awesome deals this week at Wal-Mart!  Definitely a good week to get your 4th of July Supplies!

The prices listed below are based on Utah Wal-Mart locations. However, every single Wal-Mart may price their items lower or higher than the price I list- even if two Wal-Marts are only 2 miles away. So keep that in mind! READ MORE »

Chicken Deal at Fresh Market- Free Cookbook Too!

If you are heading over to Fresh Market, make sure you grab the 20 oz Gold N Plump Chicken Breasts on sale for $2.33. READ MORE »

$1.00 Flip Flops at Old Navy on Saturday!

Time for some cheap Flip Flops again at Old Navy!!  This Saturday, you can grab solid color flip flops for only $1.00!  But in order to get the deal, you HAVE to take the coupon with you.  So, don’t forget it! READ MORE »

Smith's MONEYMAKER on Schick Razors!

Head over to Smith’s and purchase the Schick Hydro Razor for $6.58.
Use the $5.00 off Schick Hydro Coupon from the 6-13-10SS
PLUS, load the $4.00 eCoupon from the Smith’s Site
Total cost FREE, plus a $2.42 Money Maker! READ MORE »

Get a $20 off $30 Maintenance Coupon at Firestone!

You can grab a $20 off $30 Maintenance and Repair Services Coupon from Firestone!  It’s FREE! If you need to have work done on your car, this is the coupon to print out.  Read the fine print to see if your state is participating.  (Utah is!) READ MORE »

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