
Getting Ready for Tomorrow!

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Sorry for the lack of posts today!  I really thought that I would have time after my flight to post deals, but I had to go shopping to get ready for tomorrow. 

I will be meeting with the producers from the Oprah Show, in hopes to talk about a possible show idea with them for Freebies2Deals.  Yes, I totally know it is a long shot!! But, how awesome would it be if it worked out?? So, I just had to take the chance and fly out.  Cross your fingers for me! 

(If you can’t see the video in your email update, go here to check out what I am up to!- It will really give you an idea of what you can do with coupons.)

Also, I don’t really know my schedule tomorrow while I am trying to do all of this.  But I will have my laptop in hand all day.  So my plan is to post randomly througout the day. Wish me luck!  And THANK YOU so much for understanding about the lack of posts! 

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  1. Wow! that is awesome! Good Luck! Remember the little people! haha

  2. Good Luck Melea!!!

  3. Good luck!! Way to go. You are one amazing woman!

  4. I am so happy for you and I hope your dream comes true. I would love to see you on Oprah!

  5. Good for you Melea! That is so exciting! I'll cross my fingers and say a prayer for ya!

  6. Congrats!! Hope it all goes well!!!

  7. Good luck Melea! I hope it works out!

  8. wow that would be great a tv show all to couponing genius. your are awesome, we are so lucky to have you on our side . I will definately say a few prayers for you, you deserve it. Thank you

  9. Wow that is so cool. I hope it works out for you!

  10. So exciting and amazing, good luck!!!!

  11. Just wanted to tell you, you are adorable! I absolutely LOVE your website and check it everyday. I have saved SO much money with your couponing ideas and freebies, so thank you so much! (Coming from a single mom of two that needs all the saving tips she can get) Good luck with show idea!!!

  12. Thank you so much for all that you do. I hope the show idea will work out, that would be so wonderful. I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for all of the help you've given to our family. A family of seven can be very expensive and you have helped us to save so much money. Thanks again for everything!! You're beautiful and amazing.

  13. holy cow! check your blog all the time for deals. just watched that video and WE WENT TO COLLEGE TOGETHER!!!!!!! what a small world 🙂 good luck with oprah that is beyond amazing!

  14. You Are Awesome!! Also… Where did you find the kraft 100 calorie bites.. I have looked at 3 diff stores since I have the Free coupon I want to get them!

  15. Way cool!! Good luck! Fun to put a face with your name and website! You're so cute!


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