I’m definitely not thinking straight today! Thanks for helping me clarify this.
I guess you wouldn’t know if you were one of the first 150 people to register. I just sent an email out to the first 150 people. If you received the email, then you will know you can show up as early as 10:15 to have first-pick on seats. If you did not receive the email, then you can start showing up at 10:30.
Please make sure you bring your IDs. We will check them with your registration to make sure you registerd for the event.
Thanks everyone! Hope this clears up any confusion!
Wow I feel like I'm in junior high school, fighting over who gets to sit where. Didn't everyone pay the same amount to go to the same conference? Grow up! This is supposed to be a fun activity. It shouldn't matter where you sit.
I have a question about the conference, although I know that it's sold out, I'm also certain that there are people who purchased tickets who are no longer going to be able to go. Is there a way that those people can post there tickets somewhere, so that others who want an extra ticket (like me) can buy the tickets (for purchase price only) that aren't going to be used?
Lets keep our two cents to ourselves shall we, there is no need for anyone to be mean.Yes we are all going to the same conference so why say rude comments. We will have fun if people arent rude. Anyway my question is, Is the conference this Saturday going to be the same concept as the one in May. I would love to go to the other one as well, but is it just the same thing for those that missed the 20th. I am sure you dont even want to think about that right now and its so far away. Just wondering hope that made sense. Thanks for this i really need some extra pointers on couponing. It seems you can never know to much about using coupons and i cant wait to here from an Expert
Yes I am the one being rude. Not the ones who whined and complained because they were so worried about someone who signed up after them stealing their seat. Give me a break. I just think its ridiculous that seating is even an issue!