I’m sending out a second Freebies2Deals Email Update today! Because of how much time was spent at the TV Station, I have been a little behind today on getting the deals set up. So, here is your second deal update.
Oh, make sure you check the bottom of the update. I sold out AGAIN for the coupon conference. So I have 100 additional seats I just added. If you didn’t get your chance before, grab them now before they sell out again!!
hey melea it was so good to see you again on gtu!!! you did great! hey i noticed this morning when i got on the internet that i all of a sudden had 600 more swagbucks than i normally should have…am i dreaming? is it a mistake of some sort? i understand its their birthday and they are being more generous then usual but thats 600 sb! dont get me wrong im not complaining i just think its odd! do you know if anyone experienced anything similiar? o and i also won another 20 sb? this is nuts! but i love it!!
ok hahaha i just read why!!! disregard above!! thanks!
I so want to come, but we are moving that day! Do you know when you plan to schedule another one?
Jamie and Steven Lambourne
I was at GTU & you did a great job, I was hoping you could have done an entire show! 🙂 Anyway, my Mom is coming to your class but I live in Oklahoma- you should have someone tape some of it & post it!