Personal / Walgreens

My Walgreens Trip!

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So I’ve been really leary of heading back to Walgreens after having countless problems with coupons. And after they came out with their Corporate Coupon Policy, I still had the memories in my mind of how they had no idea what they were doing.  And, I just didn’t want to have to “deal” with another incompetent person when it came to coupons.  So, I’ve been avoiding going to Walgreens for about 2 months. (Bad, I know….)

Well, I finally took the plunge last night and headed to Walgreens to do a few of my own deal scenarios.  It was the BEST couponing experience I have ever had anywhere.  The cashier was really helpful and even offered to void a transaction and enter in the coupons a different way so my order would work.  I mean, what kind of cashier does that?? 

So, what did I do??  I made a BIG deal about it.  I let the cashier know how awesome she was and joked that she must have magical powers to make the register not beep. And, right on my way out the door, I made sure to tell the Manager that that was my best experience I have ever had at their store using coupons!  I even told him how awesome my cashier was…. and she was in ear shot. 

Why did I do this??  Because, #1, it is nice to give compliments!  And, #2, because letting them know they are doing a good job will help ensure that they will in the future.  It will also make that cashier more willing to help me the next time I go through her line.

I really encourage you guys to go out of your way to compliment those who do a great job!  It is so easy to get caught up in complaining about all of the bad experiences.  But if we can try to focus on the good experiences, we will all have much better couponing trips!  Plus, doesn’t it make you feel good to make someone else feel good??

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  1. I sent my cashier a compliment on Sunday, I had a bad experience there once. Now I let the good ones know that I truly love them!

  2. I have one favorite Walgreens that I go to for that very reason.. and two others I avoid like the plague lol. I just dislike those stores/cashiers that make you feel like a criminal for using coupons or separating transactions. I'll make sure to be more mindful to REALLY praise the good ones I frequent! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. I had a cashier compliment ME once! lol. She was impressed with all my coupons and how much money I saved. She was great though and I made sure she knew it!

  4. Call the number on your receipt and do the online survey — mention the names of the good cashiers. I do that for my awesome Walgreens cashiers every time I go there. It probably gives them some bonus points with their bosses!

  5. Always a great reminder, thanks! I also always try to thank the people in line behind me if my coupons/the cashier takes longer than normal. Usually the cashier is working so hard and looking down so they think I am thanking them…. I guess it kills two birds with one stone! 🙂

  6. Don't forget to talk to a supervisor when you have good customer service on the phone too! Whenever I talk to a supervisor to tell them about my good experience they thank ME for giving positive feedback because they only ever hear the negative.I worked in customer service for YEARS and almost daily had people thanking me for my help with "impossible" situations, but my boss never got to hear any of it. 🙁


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