Do you have those neighbors with the perfect lawn, the perfect garden, the perfect flowers? � Keeping up your yard and making it a beautiful place can be hard and expensive. However, there are ways to make it cheaper and more on your budget. �One great way to bring some color and beauty to your yard is by adding Flower Pots.
Flower Pots can be expensive if you buy them directly from a store. �So, instead of buying a flower pot already done and over priced, try making one on your own! �If you’ve never made one before, here are a few simple steps to help you get started:
Step #1: Find a Pot
A really great way to find a flower pot is to check out your local classified ads. �There are usually a TON of different options at great prices. �You can also go to yard sales in your local area. �That way you would be paying around $5 for a nice big pot, instead of $30. You could also�check out your local second hand store- like a DI or Savers.
Step #2:�Potting Soil with Fertilizer
You want a good soil base for your flowers. �You can buy potting soil with fertilizer in it at Home Depot and Lowe’s. �A good price point to have in mind for potting soil is $2.00 each for the smaller bags. Then just be sure you read the instructions. �After a few weeks don’t be afraid to add more soil if your pot gets low. �After watering consistently the soil may wash out so you might need to add more to keep it full.
Step #3: Choose your Flowers (the fun part!)
A way to save money on your flowers is to look at your Hometown Values Magazines, or Mailers that you get. �This time of year you can bet there will be coupons from your local nursery’s in there. Or, check out your nursery’s website. �Sometimes there will be coupons on their site as well. �When choosing your flowers, think of what colors would go well with your house color and surroundings.
A few suggestions when picking flowers:
- Choose colors that blend well together
- Choose flowers with different heights
- Choose different types of flowers to give diversity and contrast
- Choose flowers that will grow well where the flower pot is placed (shade or sun)
- Add in a grass plant – Try Zebra Grass or Purple Fountain Grass
Step #4: Water, Water, Water
Flower pots dry out really quickly. �You’ll want to make a regular routine of watering your flower pot. �Grab a water pail or put your garden hose on low and make sure to thoroughly water the pot.
Do you have a favorite flower combination that you love? Be sure to share in the comments below!