Secret Santa 2015

Last Chance to Nominate Families for Our Secret Santa Project!

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secret santa 2015

This is your reminder that it’s your LAST CHANCE to get in nominations. �Nominations must be sent in by Sunday, November 1st, 2015.

For those of you who are new to Freebies2Deals, each year we join forces and work together to provide Christmases to those in need. �I’m always blown away by everyone’s participation and how many amazing items we are able to donate to SO many people in need!!

And now… for this year’s Secret Santa Project, I’ve decided to open up nominations for families again. �This is something we did our very first year doing the Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project and I’m sure there are a lot of families who REALLY need help this year.

If you know of any families in dire financial situations, here is your chance to nominate them for our Secret Santa Project. As of right now, we are looking for 20-30 Families to donate FULL Christmases too. �And depending on donations, we might be able to help even more families!

To Nominate a Family for our Secret Santa Project, please head over here and fill out this entry form. You will need to provide us with as much information as you can about the family–including names, ages, sizes and background on why they need help. �The more information you can provide, the easier we can understand the family you are nominating and if the Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project can help! **Families nominated can live anywhere within the United States to be nominated.�

Nominations need to be in by Sunday, November 1st, 2015.


Thanks everyone!! �Start collecting items to donate if you see them for a great deal. �Getting crazy deals on items and toys makes donating even easier. �And we should be seeing a lot of those deals starting this next week!


If you are new to Freebies2Deals and haven�t seen our past projects, here they are:

In 2010,�we donated full Christmases to 25 needy families!� I did a�video of that adventure here, if you haven�t seen it.

In 2011,�we donated a bunch of toys to The Primary Children�s Medical Center to their Children�s Cancer Unit.� Here is a�video,

In 2012, we donated tons of Coats and Warm items to the Utah Youth Village. �And we donated food, toys and more to the families staying at The Ronald McDonald house. �You can watch the video here.�

In 2013, although I was in the middle of selling our home, packing and moving, we still pulled off an amazing amount of donations to the Children with Cancer Foundation with ALL of your help. You can�see that video here.�

In 2014, we donated to The Christmas Box House and had so many of you donating that we donated Christmas to 7 families as well! �You can see that video here.

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  1. Love this! I know you mentioned buying items now to donate as deals come up- such a great idea. Was wondering, if there’s an address we can send them directly to ( I know you normally give us one when you announce the project but would rather send items directly than pay to have them shipped here and then pay to ship them to you later.) Thanks!

    • Yep! You can buy things online and have them shipped directly to:

      Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project
      1878 W 12600 S #507
      Riverton, UT 84065


      • Ohhh. Can we start shipping now? I still have you saved in my Amazon address book and will just prime things to you. My other suggestion is to pick a Wal-Mart store so we can do “ship to store” deals and designate you (or one of your elves) as the pick up person. I cry overtime I watch the video from last year! So glad you are doing this again!

  2. Do you announce what items are needed for the families chosen (so we know what sizes and types of items to send in)?


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