Christmas Deals

MERRY CHRISTMAS! And Our 2012 Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Video!

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First off, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you.
I can’t believe another year has gone by!�

I hope you guys were able to use Freebies2Deals to help find great deals on all of your presents this year.� I tried my best to post deals on everything that I saw- especially items you guys requested help with! 🙂

Second, we have successfuly finished our 3rd Annual Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project.Even if you weren’t able to donate this year, you actually did!!� If you want to know how, check out the video here.

Have a great Holiday Season with your families!

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  1. Merry Christmas. thank you!

  2. That’s awesome! Those kids are going to be so happy!

  3. You are awesome! Good job!

  4. Merry Christmas to you & your family! THANK YOU for ALL you do!

  5. What you do is amazing!!! I hope you know that.

  6. Merry Christmas!!!

  7. Thanks for all your help!

  8. Wow-You Rock! I was so moved by all that you did it made me cry. You are truly amazing and I hope that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. Thanks so much for all you do!

  9. Thanks for doing this. You are wonderful!

  10. this just warmed my heart, I used to be in foster care growing up, I didn’t realize you donated to child crisis centers. When a child gets pulled out of a home or school, they only get to take what they are wearing, at least thats how it was for me. All the clothes I ended up using was already given to the child crisis center. This is so fantastic, you are blessing so many children’s lives, thank you. I hope you truly have a blessed Christmas with your family, and thank you so much for being the angel to those kids you have donated to, and everyone else on here that has donate.

  11. This brought me to tears. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and our community. You are an a example to all. Merry Christmas!!

  12. Great job. Thanks for all your hard work.

  13. Thanks for all your self-less service, you are awesome!

  14. I’m so glad you posted this video, it touched my heart! I had no idea you made so many donations for Christmas. Thank you for all your hard work and service to others!!

  15. You are wonderful! If the whole world lived as generously throughout the entire year, how much more peace would we have! Thanks for your example!

  16. Every year this makes me cry. I am so proud to be a freebies2deals reader. What a blessing and hope you are giving people. Thank you!

  17. This is excellent!! So glad there are still good people in this world! 🙂

  18. Thank you for doing this! You are wonderful!!!!!! Love freebies2deals even more now! Didn’t know that was possible. Thank you!!!’!!!!

  19. aw, made me cry! Thanks!! So glad to see some of the brands I know I ordered from your links!!


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