What's the BEST Way to Shop the Case Lot Sale?? Tips & Tricks to Save the Most Money! - Freebies2Deals
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What’s the BEST Way to Shop the Case Lot Sale?? Tips & Tricks to Save the Most Money!

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case lot sales utah

So first of all….. do you have Case Lot sales where you live?? �I know not everyone does. But Utah can’t be the ONLY place in the Country that does them. �So I would love to know where you live, if you do have�Case Lot�sales! LMK in the comments below.�

tomato sauce sale

Case Lot sales can be one of the best times to stock up on all of the pantry items and canned goods your family uses on a regular basis. �I say “Regular” because there is no point in purchasing cases of something if your family doesn’t eat it all of the time.

TIP #1: �Think of how much you typically pay for that item. �Is the per item price in the case a lot cheaper than that?

For our family, I always make my own Spaghetti Sauce–instead of buying it pre-made. �It’s super simple, it tastes a lot better and it’s always a cheaper option. �So when I see small cans of tomato sauce for only $.20, I know that is a stock up price and I purchase a�bunch of it to last me.

**I do want to note that not all Case Lot items are incredible prices. �So don’t get fooled just because it says “Case Lot Sale”. That’s where Tip #2 comes in.

malt o meal cereal sale

TIP #2: �Do your own math! �Pull out�your calculator on your phone�and double check prices and figure out a per item price—then you have a better idea if that case is a great price or not.

For example, at Smith’s I saw that Malt-O-Meal Cereals were part of the Case Lot sales. �But they stated that each bag was $5.49!! �That is MORE than what they typically cost�and I was so confused. �Once I got to the cereal aisle, I saw that they had marked down the same bags of Malt-O-Meal Cereal to $2.50 each. �Obviously, a ton cheaper than what they had in the boxes. �It turns out they had done the math wrong on all of the stickers on those Case Lot boxes!! �Drastically wrong. And Smith’s was probably confused as to why no one was purchasing any Malt-O-Meal, lol. So I let the manager know and grabbed my cases. 🙂

how to save money with caselot sales

TIP #3: You DO NOT have to purchase a whole case!! �If you head to the actual aisles of the store, you will find the same items not in a case and not in plastic wrapping. �Those items you can purchase 1 of, or a few of– how ever many you want. � But if you see an actual closed case with plastic around it, you do have to purchase that whole case. �The prices per can or per item are THE SAME! �But they have placed the items in different parts of the store for easier access. �**This tip may vary depending on store you are shopping. �So when in doubt, just ask once you get there.

TIP #4: Remember that Case Lot sales are also a great way to get awesome stock-up prices without having to use coupons and without having to Price Match! �So it should save a little sanity too.

TIP #5: �And lastly, those cases take up a lot of room in your cart. �Even if you only purchase a few. �And what does that mean? �There isn’t any room for your kids.

So either trade with a friend and watch each other’s kids while the other shops, get a babysitter or have your husband come too so you have two carts to push around. �Plus, you can use his muscles to lift all of the cases. WIN-WIN!

***If you are new to shopping Case Lot sales and aren’t sure what a good price is, head over here to see�this week’s Caselot Sales at Smith’s.�Anything I’ve highlighted in RED is a stock-up price. �It should give you a little guidance.

GOOD LUCK! �Now go save some money. 🙂

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  1. Up wren no montana ave them! I think albertsons is actually doing one this week. But ours is a little different, you have to purchase the whole case in order to get the discount, otherwise the price is significantly higher if you buy them individually.

  2. I believe only Smith’s does them here in Vegas. We also have to buy the full case to get the deal. But it is not the same at Utah. We lived in Springville for a few years and every store there does Caselots. Lucky!

  3. Was this cereal deal going on this week here in Salt Lake?

  4. Thanks for doing this Melea! I’ve learned so much from you and Jordan (funcheaporfree). I love that I can save my family money without doing too much work. I just noted your stock up prices and compared them to my own 🙂

  5. Is there any way I could get your recipe for the homemade spaghetti sauce? I am ona very tight food budget with my family right now. Thanks!

    • It’s pretty simple..and more about the spices. But I buy one 12 ounce can of petite diced tomatoes (you can get the fire roasted ones if you kids like spicy), then add 2 small 4-6 ounce cans of tomato sauce. I add in Tony Chachere’s Spice, Black Pepper, Garlic Salt, Onion Powder… and you can add in a ton of other stuff to taste. It’s pretty basic. But it’s better than anything we have tasted in a can/jar. And it costs less than a dollar and you get a lot more than if you purchased a pre-made jar. Hope that helps!


  6. Layton Smith’s you generally do have to buy a case to get the case lot price.

  7. Are they in Lancaster California???


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