As we see more and more freebie offers, free sample offers or even deals that will make different grocery items free with coupon, ask yourself, “Do I really need that?”.
Especially when you first start deal hunting and coupon clipping, it gets really exhilarating when you are getting all of these items for free. �But if you don’t need them, why are you requesting those free samples or buying those “Free” items after coupon at the grocery store? �If you find yourself always requesting freebies–no matter what they are, you might have “FREE Sample-Itis”! �So I put some guidelines together to help with your diagnosis.
- When you want to try out the product and a free sample size is perfect for trying without buying.
- When your family loves the product
- When you want to collect sample sizes for vacations
- When you are (Realistically) going to donate the product to someone or an organization who needs it.
- When you don’t like the product.
- When you or your family don’t need the product.
- Just because it’s free.
- To leave more for others who actually love the product, when you don’t really care.
- Each time you grab a freebie, you usually share your personal information (address, name, email address) with companies for marketing. �So if you don’t want to give that information in return for a freebie, you should pass.
Don’t feel like you have to grab everything that is free when there are Free Samples or when you are using coupons at the grocery store. �When Walgreens has a FREE Glucose Monitor Kit for Diabetics…. do you purchase it just because it’s free? �If so, you might have Free Sample-Itis.
Samples and freebies are great for a lot of reasons. �But I can say that I actually pass on requesting a lot of free samples just because I know our family won’t use them, or we just don’t have room for the clutter. �So if you think you might have this “Disease”, hopefully the lists above can help you know when to request a freebie and when it is ok to walk away.
Diane Hatch
Amen!! Sometimes tho I will request an item for a friend that likes / uses that item.
Janice Setzer
Love freebies because they save you shopping and fighting crowds.