
My Claim to Fame!

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One of the coolest side benefits from having a fun website and a newly released book is the amount of support and love I have been getting from everyone.  It’s exciting and I just had to share it with you!

We have sent out a copy of my book, “Create Your Own Money-Saving Adventure” to a bunch of celebrities and we’ve already gotten a few responses!

Just today, Molly Mesnick— married to Jason Mesnick from The Bachelor sent me a super sweet Tweet:

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DeAnna Stagliano from The Bachelorette tweeted about the book too:

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And recently, Melissa Joan Hart and Courtney Lopez (Mario Lopez’s Wife) have tweeted that they’re excited to read the book too!  So sweet of them to say and to share that with all of their followers.  So I just had to give them a shout-out and share my fun and exciting news with all of you!

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For all of you who have supported the book too, I am more than grateful.  Your tweets, instagram posts, purchases and more have made the book super successful and I am incredibly humbled by all your love!!!

XOXO- Melea

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1 Comment

  1. Awesome! Best of luck


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