
Saving Money Doesn’t Have to Be Suffocating!

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When you think about saving money and living on a budget, it might stress you out, it might make you feel sad and it might actually make you feel like you are suffocating.  But I did want to tell you guys that you can definitely save money without those side effects!

In any budget, I personally believe that you have to budget in “Fun Money”.  It doesn’t matter how small it might be.  But without it, you won’t want to stick to your budget and you will binge and could even start spending money out of control.  Those of you that have dieted before probably know what I am talking about.  You cut out all of the bad stuff, no sugar, no sweets and you can do it for a little while.  Then, you just lose control and eat a bunch of stuff you shouldn’t.

While self-control is important.  I do think it is important to have spending money in moderation.  (Just like you would have treats or sugar in moderation to keep you going on a diet.)

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Another way to keep from feeling suffocated is to plan ahead.  Have something to look forward to!  Maybe you are using your budgeted “Fun Money” to go to a dollar movie with the family one night.  Write it on the calendar, talk about it with your kids to get them excited, and look forward to going out and having a fun time!  Use your coupons and pick up some cheap candy at the grocery store beforehand.  Or, head to the dollar store to grab a few treats.  The family time is still just as fun.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money!

Keep looking towards the future.  You will eventually have that amount in the bank you want.  You will eventually have the bills paid early or on time.  You will eventually have your debts paid off.  But you won’t be able to make it if you completely deprive yourself of having a little fun money each month.  We all need that!  So, try to find ways to stretch that Fun Money each month and have more things to look forward to while you are trying to save money!

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1 Comment

  1. Your analogy is perfect for this example. I definitely agree with you. Thank you so much for all your helpful tips and suggestions! I love your little ideas, they are so helpful and motivating!,


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