
How to Manage Your Time?

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One thing I am still not that great at is Managing My Time. I find that I have time in the day to do everything that I could want or need to do.  However, by the time I start working down my list of things to do I just start getting exhausted!  Anyone else feel like that?

If I had unlimited energy everyday, then I would be able to get done everything on my To-Do list.  But, never ending energy is just a dream of mine… sigh. So, how in the world can you feel like you actually accomplished something that day?  And, how can you manage your time successfully? 

That is the question I am asking all of you.   There is just so much to do between kids, your spouse, household chores, grocery shopping, dance class, school carpools….. not to mention if you are a working mom too.

So let’s work together and share our “Time Management” tips with each other in the comment section below. I’m sure we can all benefit from a tip or two we haven’t tried out before.  Plus, I know I will definitely use them!!  I need all the ideas I can get!  

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  1. I find what helps me is I set time limits for all my tasks – give myself 30 minutes to fold laundry, 20 minutes to clean the bathroom, etc. The time limits help me challenge myself and they’re kinda like small goals that when I complete them I feel like I’ve accomplished something. When I’m at work, setting time limits on each project (or pile) that I have to work on helps me be more effiecient and I find that by the end of the work day I’ve got most things done that I wanted to. It’s almost like I’m racing myself, trying to be the winner 🙂

    • I completely agree! If I don’t set a time frame for what I need to do in a day, I never can get anything done because I focus too much on one thing! But I also have to realize if I give myself a limit, I need to follow it! Aaannnddd if I don’t get it done that day, it’s okay! It can be sooo exhausting to get everything done in a day can’t it?!

  2. I am a big list maker. With all my responsibilities I have to prioritize what’s most important to me and do that first. Also try to let the little things go–I’d rather read an extra story to my kids than pick up the living room. Priorities change each day, so I enlist my husband and kids where I can. The best advice I ever received was “don’t eat the elephant all at once.” One task-one at a time. Some days will be better than others, but remember to look at your big picture and remember WHY you are doing what you are doing. Thanks for helping all of us save money and live better! You Rock!

  3. I believe in lists and prioritization too but the energy is an entire different problem and I feel the same. Even if I had extra hours on my day I just wish I could sleep more. So the tip I have is take care of yourself. Good eating habits and exercise daily is what will help with energy. So on the top of your list should be: time for myself, time for exercise. This way, you will have energy for the rest on the list.

  4. I find that if I get up, exercise and shower before my older kids are up and out to school, I get so much more accomplished in a day. The exercise gives me a boost in my energy too, which is a great way to start a day!

  5. So glad you asked! I’m really good at making lists and really bad at accomlishing everything on them. I like the idea of being SuperMom but struggle to achieve it. I could use the advice, Thanks!

  6. LISTS!! I am a list-maker as well. I start my day with my planner (I arrive at work at 6am) and I start listing everything I need to get done- 1 page for work, 1 page for personal. I put a star by the things that HAVE to be done that day and are NOT NEGOTIABLE. As I do each thing, I cross them off my list. Even smaller items that you wouldn’t think you’d need to put on a list, it helps you feel like you’ve made progress by being able to cross small things off so list whatever you think!! When I’m done with work and am heading home I transfer everything on my ‘personal’ list to a 3×5 post it note and take it home with me. I stick it to my fridge and again start with the starred items and go from there. The next morning I take my sticky note back to work with me and start from there, making my 2 lists (rolling over whatever wasn’t done the previous day to the new day). That way the important things are done, and then the other stuff gets done as I have time. Sometimes it takes a week or so to get things done, but I try to plan ahead. Eventually things that have been on my list for a few days end up getting ‘starred’ one day and they get done.

  7. I am a working mom. I do make many lists which definitely helps get a lot done, but energy is a big one. I have the secret…DON’T SIT DOWN! The second I sit down I am wiped out and don’t want to get back up. However, if I keep going I can last all day. 🙂 Also, working out and making sure you take your vitamins makes a big difference. I get up at 5:30am and go to bed at 10:30pm after my workout and I sleep great, but I try not to sit too much in between there.

    Also, just realize you can’t do everything on your list every day. Give yourself some down time to do something for you. That is completely okay and needed. It will all get done if you are organized.

  8. One important thing to remember is that we can only do our best. But this cannot be judged against someone else’s “best”. I have allocated chores to certain days, so I don’t do everything in one day. I have enlisted my children. I find that if I have something that is overwhelming me, I can talk to my family at dinner and most times a solution can be found. For example, getting dinner prepared and setting the table was a bit much with little ones under foot. We talked at dinner, and now each child takes a turn to clean and set the table, and I only need to prepare dinner. As moms, we do not have to do everything. And if we do, we are not teaching our children to be adults. Children love to help. Also, if I know certain days are hectic, I plan ahead to tackle them so that I can handle them. Planning is now second nature to me, once I had twins.

  9. I used to have such a big problem with energy, too! But a combination of my baby starting to sleep through the night consistently, exercise, eating well and getting LOTS of water, and taking a VERY high-quality nutritional supplement have renewed my energy and I’m a LOT more efficient than I used to be! I hardly ever need a nap anymore, even though I feel like I never stop going! I also write my daily goals on a white board and don’t stress if I don’t get to everything.

    • What high quality supplement do you take? I am on a quest to find the best vitamin to help with energy!

      • I take doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality vitamins & I feel better overall. They are spendy & you do have to take 12 pills a day (6 in the am, 6 in the pm) but so far it’s been worth it for me. I’ve tried many other kinds but I’ve had the most success with these. Keeping up with 3 young kids isn’t easy!

      • Garden of life raw vitamins are awesome. I highly recommend looking into them. They also have a Vit D one that helps with energy and better mood( it’s a must in the winter).

  10. Use paper plates!

  11. I set a timer for small tasks. I try to clean up the house a room at a time, and I set the timer for 10 or 15 minutes. It helps me stay focused and get the most important stuff done it that room. If I can get back to it later, I do, but if not, at least I get the most important stuff done.

  12. I’ve been trying something new that I learned about from a RS lesson a while back. It’s from the book: Eat That Frog! ( Basically: Do your most important task first- the one that will bring the most peace to your day. Chances are that it’s also the most difficult task, and that’s why we procrastinate. So far, it’s helped me a ton! I get it done & out of the way & then I feel more at peace & get more accomplished throughout the rest of the day.

  13. My sister moved in with me, and that has been awesome. Before I would get so frustrated with everything I know needed to be done, and now that she helps me, the stress is so much less 🙂 being a mom too, I think life will be an unending busy life, but when I make time to pull weeds with my kids, or just play with them, or clean with them, we have so much fun together and we have great conversations. I’m not a great housekeeper, and in order to be, I would have to make cleaning a number one priority, I just have accepted, that my house is always going to look lived in, because its more important to spend time with family 🙂 btw, 20 min. naps are my new reg. routine in my day! the doctor told me that a 20 min. nap a day, can give you a boost of energy and its so true!! it really helps me

  14. a power nap for me usually does wonders as well as drinking lots of water and add doterras lemon as well

  15. One thing that makes me feel better about what I’ve accomplished is to do one thing a day that does not need to be repeated tomorrow. For example, today I cleaned out my young son’s pencil/pen/eraser drawer. It didn’t take very long, but made me feel like I was moving forward on a project and could really check something off my list. All of the laundry that I did today (and will have to do again tomorrow) didn’t give me the same feelings of satisfaction!


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