
What does your family do for New Year's Eve?

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For me, New Year’s Eve used to be a fun night when you could go out with a bunch of girlfriends, hang out all night, meet new people, go dancing and whatnot.  But now that I am married with a 1 1/2 year old daughter, things have changed. I would still love to do those things, but I also would like my daughter to spend the night with us as well.  And it just isn’t possible to do both.

I’m guessing that a lot of you who have kids may feel the same way.  So, what kinds of things do you do as a family on New Year’s Eve Night??  I would LOVE any suggestions that you have.

After hearing what kinds of things you do for neighbor gifts, I know that a lot of you probably have some great ideas for New Year’s Fun too!~

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  1. Reply
  2. we usually have a big party at our house and invite neighbors and friends with children. We eat, play games (rock band, karaoke, etc), and have a good time with each other. The children usually all get along well and its at a house so theres not much to worry about as far as they are concerned.

  3. I have kids ages 16, 14, 12, 10, 6, 14 mo., and 4 mo. The 16 year old will be with his girl friend, 14 year old will be at a dance and everyone else will be home. So for all of us who won't be out partying my husband is going to set the clocks forward a couple of hours when no one is looking (next day grumpies prevention) and we are going to play Minute To Win It games, and eat jots of junk and pizza. Then ring in the new year at 10. Then we will send the kids off to bed and my husband and I celebrate the New Year with a romantic date at home. While we wait up for the teenagers.

  4. Melea!!In the Latin culture just because you have children the fun and the partying doesn't stop. Music and dancing is such a big part of our lives. We "train" our little ones since they are little…We hold parties all year long (birthdays, baptisms, anniversaries, etc), even at the church, which include music, tons of food and other children. The latter is very important, there has to be other kids to play with. They will play among themselves while you mingle with the adults…I usually don't see my kids all night they are having so much fun with their cousins/friends to even come hang out iwht me ;)If that's not of your appeal save if for that one time a year: New Years, you have the whole day next day, in this case the whole weekend to recover from a late night…I guarantee your child will be just fine! My kids are 6, 4 and 18 months, they too will be dancing the night away…an no alcohol involved..pure healthy fun!

  5. Since most of our friends are newly weds or single, we are invited them over to our house to hang out since we have an 18mon old. She will go to bed at her usual time (so as to not mess up her sleeping schedule for weeks to come) while we get a chance to still celebreate new years the way we want too.

  6. New Years Eve for our family is a night of relaxing and watching movies. I am married for 26 years with 3 kids (now grown) and we have always watched sequel movies. We have watched the Terminator series, Santa Clause 1 2 and 3, The 5 Planet of the Ape movies, The 6 Star war movies (that was over 2 nights), The 3 Spiderman movies, The Jason Bourne Trilogy, Back to the Future 1-3, Shrek, the 4 National Lampoon Vacation movies, Home Alone 1-3, and many others. We pause only at midnight to watch the ball drop and bang pots and pans (although this year fireworks are now legal in Arizona for the first time). Some years we have friends over with their kids and other years it is just the immediate family. We have lots of food and drinks and always have a great evening. Everyone is always welcome to spend the night so no one has to drive. This year it is just my wife and I and we will watch the Twilight series (she talked me into that one!!). Happy new Year!!

  7. We have a block party. Our street was nothing but new neighbors with children around the same ages when we moved here in April 1986. The first year, we had a block party for July 4th and a house to house Christmas party but that was just too much so the following year, we had another block party for New Year's Eve and have been doing them for the past 23 years. It's so much fun and most of the kids are home for the holidays from where ever they go to school or work. It's nice to have family holidays when you can. I wish you all a very happy new year ful of hope, happiness, health, and properity.

  8. We usually have an indoor "campout" with our kids and my sister-in-law's family who also has young children. We set up the tents in the bonus room and the kids have a blast watching movies and playing "camping" with their cousins. The adults play games and watch movies downstairs. We usually don't have to worry about keeping kids up because they are excited to sleep in the tents with their cousins. In the morning we usually make a big breakfast and go sledding together.


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