
My Christmas Break….

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So if you have been reading this blog from the beginning, you know that I don’t really ever get to take a break.  This hobby of mine has turned into an obsession I can’t get away from.  And once the site had thousands of people visiting each day, I have felt really obligated to make sure I stay on top of everything and all of the deals.   I can’t even really go on a true vacation without feeling like I have to keep updating the site throughout the day. But you can only do so much before you just burn out completely.

With that said, my plan is to try to take the next few days off for a little Christmas break. The key word in that sentence is “try”. I really have neglected my family a bit and myself- especially in December with all the time spent on our Secret Santa project. So, I will be a little M.I.A for the next few days.  But don’t worry, I’ll be back after Christmas ready to rock and help us all find the best after-Christmas clearance deals.  There will be tons!

I hope you guys can understand my need to take this break and not be upset. I’ve tried hard to make sure you are set for Christmas and you should be ready to enjoy it with your family.  The site is lot of work and is losing it’s “fun”ness. I’m hoping a little break will be just what the doctor ordered and give me time to have a nice relaxing Christmas with my family.

And, if you are like me- obsessed with finding deals… I am giving you permission to take a break too!  Remember what Christmas is about and spend time with loved ones. We have all been great bargain shoppers throughout the year and missing a couple days won’t make a big difference. Besides, I will catch you all up when we join up right after Christmas!


With that said, tomorrow I will be posting a Link-up for those of you who have deals from your Etsy Shops, Boutiques, Small businesses or a service you would like to share.  It should be a great way to let people know what you do and what type of items you sell or services you provide!  And it’s always good to support other Freebies2Deals readers!

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  1. Good for you! You deserve it! Thank you for all you do for us we appreciated every part of it! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

  2. Take a break! You definitely deserve it!

  3. Thank you for all that you do, your site has been a great blessing. Enjoy the holidays with your family!

  4. WOoohOOo for you! Dont take this too seriously or you wont ever enjoy it. I think everyone appreiciates your hard work. Merry Christmas.

  5. You deserve it, enjoy the holidays!

  6. Enjoy every second of your well deserved break!!Thank you so much for all you do!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am so glad you finally posted this. And I am glad you are taking a break! I am ready for some fun!!!

  8. Good for you!!! You have MORE than earned a break. The Secret Santa video had me in tears. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve others and for organizing this HUGE task. Merry Christmas!

  9. Thanks for everything! Have a great Christmas!

  10. Enjoy your much needed and well deserved break, I hope you have a WONDERFUL time with your family and friends!! Have a very Merry Christmas!! And remember to relax!! 😉

  11. Yay for breaks! Have a wonderful holiday!

  12. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas… Thanks for all you do!

  13. The best way to take a true break is to have someone hide your power plug! Then commit yourself to only use your phone for personel use! It is really hard at first, but after a day you won't miss it! 🙂 Have a great Christmas and thanks for all you do!

  14. Your family needs you more than any "Hobby." Don't let your "obsession" make you miss out on what you can't ever recover..time with your kids at the age they are right now. You and your kids will have huge regret later if you do. Have a Merry One. Thanks for your very hard "work" be honest with yourself it's no "hobby"…We'll be here when you get back.

  15. Enjoy your holiday! We'll be here when you get back. Merry Christmas. Thanks for all you do.

  16. You deserve a break! Thank you so much for all you do. This site has helped my family save so much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you do. Enjoy your Christmas! Thank you!

  17. You are awesome! You definitely deserve a break! Merry Christmas and thanks for everything!!!

  18. i'm so happy you are taking a break! you & your family deserve it. thanks for letting us know you will be MIA- then i won't be checking your site all day long 🙂 MERRY CHRISTMAS Melea!!!

  19. Enjoy yourself and thank you for all you do.

  20. you deserve it and i think we all agree you completely deserve the break! i cant even imagine how much work it is to keep up with all of the deals. i really appreciate all of your hard work though! you have saved my family so much money! you are great! hope you have a Merry Christmas! 🙂

  21. That's SO great! I've often wondered if you ever get a chance to take off or let someone else take the reins and give you a break (I would offer to be a "sub" but there's a good chance I'd do more harm than good!). Your site is by FAR the BEST coupon/deal/freebie blog out there! I try to tell everyone I can about your site and how amazing (and SO user friendly!!) it is. Thank you for researching awesome deals day in and day out. I honestly can't imagine how much time you put in. I truly hope your break saves you from burnout. You definitely deserve it!!Merry Christmas!

  22. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your break! Thanks for all the savings!

  23. Have fun and thank you for EVERYTHING!

  24. Please do! You certainly deserve it. Thank you for all you do! I really do love your blog. But, I know from experience from my etsy shop (which is currently closed, dang), that it is essential for you and your family!!!

  25. Melea, Thanks for all you do! I love your site. I tell everybody about it. I love that you put your thoughts and ideas in everything. I feel like you are my friend. I hope you enjoy the holiday season… Merry Christmas

  26. Everyone has pretty much already said what I wanted to–but you can't ever hear it too much! I wouldn't mind if you took a break until New Years because you TOTALLY deserve it. You have been working your butt off completely for the good of others and that is one of the most selfless things you can do. Thank you for all that you do to help others out. Running a website is a TON of work and if other people get work off for a weekend/week, then so should you :)Love ya, enjoy your time off!

  27. Thanks for all your hard work this year, my son will have a great christmas this year because of the deals you have searched out for us:).


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