
Let's All Meet Up for a Coupon Class!

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Anyone up for a HUGE Coupon Class???

Now that there are more and more of you to the site, I think it would be a great idea to do one HUGE couponing get-together!  Obviously, I live in Utah so the couponing class would be here.  But anyone and everyone would be welcome to come.  You can bring your friends who think couponing is silly or a waste of time or money and I will show them how it works.

I know a lot of you are new to the couponing adventure.  So I am hoping that a lot of you would want to come to something like this.  If I am going to do this, it would need to be one large type of event…. I’m thinking a few hundred of you.  And maybe in the future, we could do one large couponing event every 6 months.  It would give everyone a chance to meet other couponers, make some friends and have a chance to ask me any questions that they have.

I will cover the basics of couponing and different store policies.  And I’ll tell you how the free stuff works and other fun ways to get items for free or really cheap.  Then, we can have a Question and Answer part at the end.  Then everyone can ask their questions and everyone can hear the answers. 

So what do you think?  Let me know if this is something that you would be interested in! 

Also, if we are going to do this, we would need to use a very large facility to hold the coupon conference.  If you have any ideas or have any hookups to something like this in the Salt Lake Valley, email me at and let me know!

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  1. I think that this is a great idea!!! I would love to come!!!

  2. Sign me up! Can't wait

  3. I love the idea! I have a lot of questions I'd love to have answered!

  4. Sounds Great! The Salt Lake library has meeting rooms.

  5. Sounds great, when are we getting together???

  6. I would love to come!

  7. Sounds awesome! I'd love to know the secrets behind couponing.

  8. Great idea!

  9. I would love to come!!!! Youre such an inspiration

  10. Yes, I'd love to come!

  11. My sisters and I would love to come to a coupon class. I can't wait. Thank you!

  12. I think its a great idea.

  13. Oh I love this idea too! I really want to start couponing but feel so overwhelmed and not sure how to start! This would be great for someone like me!

  14. Sounds like a lot of fun, please do it!

  15. I'm down! Pretty sure I'd have a few friends that would come too.

  16. Sounds terrific! I would love to know how to save time clipping coupons. Does anyone out there have an efficient way?

  17. I would love to come!

  18. I'm in!

  19. if you wanted to do one in provo.. Aunt linda has the hook up there and its FREE!!

  20. I defiantly need the help. I would come and I would defiantly bring a couple friends.

  21. I live too far away to come, but would still love to hear all of your ideas. Maybe put a FAQ on the blog too so that we don't keep having the same questions asked that you have already answered a lot?!

  22. I'm game!! It sounds like a lot of fun! I'm just getting into this, and it'd be great to be able to figure out how to better manage my many piles!

  23. sign me up please

  24. I would love to come.

  25. Would love to hear more about coupons. Thanks for your blog!

  26. Such a great idea! I would love to come and would bring some friends and family. I know you said you go to church, would they let you have it there? And don't they already have tables and chairs? Just a thought.

  27. I would LOVE to join you! My biggest frustration thus far, is that I am not using couponing right…I often feel I spend more money buying name brand items from the coupons than if I had bought the store brand items…I've not quite got the hang of using both manufacture coupons and register rewards or utilizing coupons to get deals like the Nivea Target deal. I think the problem is just lack of organization, so a get together would be amazing!!!!

  28. pleasant grove library has a room and i believe they are doing a savvy shopper class there. it could be good for competition? jk anyway if you need help i would love to offer my services i can help with data entry or anything else you are feeling overwhelmed by

  29. Sounds awesome!

  30. Count Me in!!

  31. YES! That sounds like a great idea! When are you thinking of doing it? I live 3 hours away from Salt Lake but want to come so I just need to plan it so I can take work off. That would be great though!

  32. I would love to come!

  33. That would be just wonderful!

  34. I would LOVE to come! What about using an LDS church building to meet at? I don't know if you are LDS or not but I'm sure you know someone who is in your area who could help you reserve the building. You could set up chairs and meet in the cultural hall/gym. Most are equipped with sound systems and there are always plenty of chairs. Just a thought!Stacey in Brigham,

  35. I'm in!

  36. I'm defenately in! what about a church gym?

  37. I'm in…. totally count me in

  38. Definitely count me in! Thanks for offering such a great opportunity to learn more about saving $$.

  39. im so JEALOUS! I wish i lived in slc, looking to move… Thanks for all you do your AWESOME Melea!

  40. I LOVE this idea!!!!!!!!I would definately come to this. I have wanted you to do something like this for a long time.

  41. Love it! I think a place like the library or something would be great….just do a few sessions over a week or something and then get RSVP's or sign ups. Also—could it work to do a coupon swap at this too? I've always wanted to do that. There are a few blogs on it…but just to have a "trade" at this would be fun!!

  42. I would be very interested, I love learning from your site that i would totally benefit from a class!

  43. A class is a great idea. I would love to come and learn how you coupon.

  44. Melea, I would love to come! I live in St. George but would be willing to drive with enough notice! Thanks for all you do 🙂

  45. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Thant would be soooo GREAT!!!!

  46. YES! Please! I would love it!


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