
4 Ways to Find Motivation to Clean Your House

Are you struggling to find the motivation to get your house clean? I know I have been feeling that this weekend! With 3 kids, it’s hard to want to clean the house every single day, but I do have some tricks to get myself motivated to get up and clean. How about you? Are there specific things that you do that help get you in the right headspace to tackle your to do list? READ MORE »

Motivate Your Kids to Do Chores with These 3 Tips

Do you want your kids to pitch in a little more around the house? I used to do everything for my kids and I understand now that it was not to their benefit.  You see, I was raised by a single mother who wasn’t a good housekeeper and who never ever cooked for me. I literally remember waking up early starting in the 1st grade to make food for my younger brother and I. I didn’t want to be this mom. I wanted to be the mom who kept a beautiful home and cooked delicious meals.  READ MORE »

How to Keep Your Housework Under Control


Do you feel like your housework gets away from you sometimes?  Does it seem like you are constantly cleaning? No worries, my friends, we have some tips for you here on how to keep your housework under control so that you can take a breather and not stress so much about cleaning! READ MORE »

Why You Shouldn’t Stress the Mess

Are you in a constant state of stress about how messy your home is?  Are you always worried about who might stop by and what they are going to think about the disarray in your home?  If you said yes to either of these, I have something to say to you. Stop stressing the mess! READ MORE »

Clean or Dirty Dishwasher Magnet $3.29!

Need a little help in the housework department?  Right now at Amazon, you can grab this Clean or Dirty Dishwasher Magnet for just $3.29! READ MORE »

6 Reasons You Should Have a Cleaning Schedule

Do you struggle with keeping your home as clean as you would like it?  Does organization not come naturally to you? You may be able to help yourself get these things in order, by keeping a cleaning schedule on hand at home. READ MORE »

5 Reasons Your Kids Should Be Doing Chores

Do your kids do chores at home?  Do you find yourself stressing over whether or not you should start implementing chores?  I am a firm believer that kids should absolutely do chores at home and there are some really great reasons behind it.  If you are working on whether or not this works for your family, check out these 5 reasons your kids should be doing chores. READ MORE »

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