Hapari Swimwear Party!!!

Hey everyone!!! Me and Linda are throwing a Hapari Swimwear Party. It is just across the street from my house and EVERYONE is totally invited!! It is this Thursday, July 17th from 6:30-8:30. Make sure to come!! There will be tons of people there and lots of way cute swimsuits. If you have never heard of Hapari…. go to their website https://www.hapari.com/ to see what kind of stuff they have! The best part about their tankinis is that you can tie them 5 different ways!! So no matter your shape, they fit perfect! I love them! There are more styles than the website shows and I think they are even bringing clearance merchandise for us! READ MORE »

Clayton Tours

For those of you who may not know, I teach private vocal lessons and performing groups at a studio in Salt Lake. At the end of the year, some of the groups go on tour. The studio takes these kids all over the world. Where they go on tour usually depends on their age and what level they are. Older kids usually go internationally, while the youngest kids (9-12) go to places like Los Angeles. READ MORE »


So, I finally graduated!!! YAY!! I walked last month and have been waiting to get the pictures from my mom.

I do have to take three more classes though. So I will be truly finished July 30th. But that is only a month and a half away! It’s enough to keep me motivated!

I noticed that my eyes were closed in a lot of the pictures we took. Wish someone would have told me that at the time. 🙂 But at least I got to wear my cute shoes.

The worst week of my life!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am prone to getting sick more often than other people! But, this past week has been the worst sickness I have ever had in my entire life.
I wonder if it is something that is going around or if it is just me and my luck! Who gets strep and the flu at the same time???? I have never had a sore throat this bad in my life! The worst part is that I have had this for almost 7 days now! Nothing relives the pain and nothing makes it better! What is the world of medicine doing out there??? Why can’t they cure this kind of stuff yet??? GET ON IT!! READ MORE »

Book Club????

So… for a long time, I have been hearing about this series of books called Twilight. All I heard was that it was about vampires and some girl fell in love with one and that everyone was falling in love with some vampire guy named Edward….. Honestly, I thought it sounded really stupid! Why would I want to read a book about Vampires?
But……. it usually takes some talking into (usually done by myself) but I gave in and read the first book! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! If you haven’t read it yet, don’t let people tell you it is about vampires…. that will just scare you off.
I will say that I have been so completely enamored by the books that I have read the first two books in just three days and I’m already moving on to book three. Everyone needs a good love story every once and a while!
So, after reading again…. I used to do it a lot when I was younger….. I have decided that a Book Club is in order! I know that they have them in wards…. but they usually read stupid books. I don’t want to read for education… I want to read to escape!
So does anyone want to put together a Book Club??? It can be at a different person’s house each month and whoever’s house it is can choose the book. I figure since our husbands are always out doing their sports…. we could get together too! 🙂 Anyone down??? READ MORE »

The Mayan Ruins—Chichen Itza

The Gorgeous View


My parents decided to take the whole family to Cancun this year! It was pretty exciting to actually go. I had a bunch of roommates that went down for Spring Break one year, but I never got to go. I’m glad we finally got a chance.

The weather was absolutely perfect… barely even humid. Brady and I actually got Scuba Certified before we went so we could go diving while we were there! That was awesome. ….. although, going out in the ocean makes you really sea sick before you start going down. WOW!! People were puking all over the place! If you ever go diving, or are going out on a small boat, take Ginger pills. We were told that that would help…. of course, we were told that after the fact!!

Our Little Bentley

There is so much that has happened lately… I wish I could go back and tell y’all everything that has happened in the last year! But I don’t have enough patience to go back and post everything. So, we will start with our dog!!

I have always been against animals. I don’t know why. Just never been fond of them. Brady loves dogs and actually wanted a Rotweiller. That was way out of my comfort zone though. I ran into an old friend from high school, Brooke Thomsen, and they had a little yorkshire terrier. Once I saw it, I said, “I might be able to do a dog like that.” And that was that. Brady was sweet to compromise with me and go for a smaller dog– even though he would rather have something big he can be rougher with. But, believe me…..he plays pretty hard with our new dog. We have had her three months and we named her Bentley. That’s right…. just like the car. She is adorable and more and more I am starting to like dogs!

My Music

A lot of you I haven’t seen in awhile, but people always ask me about my music. I still have a music page on myspace. It’s www.myspace.com/melea However, I don’t ever really get on it anymore. You can check out a couple of my songs on there. And, I will try to post some on this page too!! Right now, I’m still deciding what direction to take as far as music is concerned. Still love it!! But we will just have to see what happens now that I have a family to think of! READ MORE »

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