JC Penney: New $10 off $10 Promo Code!

Update:  This code should be working for everyone now!  Plus, today only (June9th) Ebates is offering Double Cash Back on JCPenney!  That means 6% Cash Back AND a $5.00 Bonus for new users!  READ MORE »

Free Sample of EmergenC Blue!

You can grab a Free Sample of Emergen-C Blue!  And, you do not have to be a Facebook Fan to take advantage of this offer.  Just fill in the form to get your freebie. READ MORE »

Fresh Market BEST Deals 6/9-6/15

Western Family Single Paper Towel Roll $.47!

Western Family Petal Soft Toilet Paper 4 Pack $.77!! WOW!

Western Family 5lb Bag of Sugar $1.98!

Red or Green Seedless Grapes $.98 a lb.

1 lb Straweberries $1.25 READ MORE »

Smith's BEST Deals 6/9- 6/15

Smith’s BEST Deals 6/9-6/15

*RP Stands for Red Plum, SS stands for Smart Source, PG stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all coupon inserts that come in the Sunday Paper. If you haven’t set up a Sunday Only Newspaper Subscription, you will want to!! I have negotiated the best prices in Utah for the Sunday Only paper. You will save more money the first time you go shopping than the price you paid for the subscription!
**Don’t forget about the Limited Time Newspaper Subscription!! It’s only $.75 per paper! It is ending soon! READ MORE »

Wanchai Ferry Winner!

And the winner for the Wanchai Ferry Giveaway is: Emalia (emalia.tillotson@_______.com)

Congrats!  If this is you, you have 24 hours to email me at melea@freebies2deals.com and claim your prize.  If I don’t hear from you, someone else will win in your place! READ MORE »

Get your Cellfire Credit Now!

So we all know that Cellfire wasn’t ready for the craziness that ensued last week.  Everyone jumping on their site at once caused a mini meltdown.  I contacted Cellfire and this is what they said: READ MORE »

Spotting Fraudulent Coupons

I just got back from a trip to Wal-Mart.  The lady in front of me handed the cashier a Free Doritos Coupon.  Now, she didn’t know that the coupon was a fake.  However, the store would not take it because they already knew. READ MORE »

Don't throw away your Val Pak Mailers! Free Seven Peaks!

At the beginning of each month, you should see a Val-Pak Mailer in your mailbox. I know that a lot of people throw those away.  I know that I used to! READ MORE »

Another Awesome Deal for Dad! Free Custom Photo Calendar for his Office!

My husband has a calendar in his office.  However, it is some silly calendar from a random company I have never even heard of.  I would bet your husband probably has a similar calendar in his office too. READ MORE »

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