At the beginning of each month, you should see a Val-Pak Mailer in your mailbox. I know that a lot of people throw those away. I know that I used to!
But, you will want to take the time to go through them. My Val-Pack Mailer had a FREE Full Day Admission to Seven Peaks in it!! No purchase required!
There was also a Free Princess Book Coupon when you attend the Princess Festival this month.
Not to mention, a TON of Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entrees at various restaurants! So, be on the lookout and don’t throw that stuff away!
Can I sign up to get this in the mail or do they just send it out in certain areas?
Wish we got it in Tremonton
Rebecca R
I used to throw away the "Money Mailer" too. But not anymore! I turn them over and use the blank backs for when I'm only printing one coupon. Free paper! I almost never use "fresh" paper to print coupons.