My New Website!

I have finally created my website for my vocal lessons and my personal music! It has taken forever for me to finally decide what I want to do after the baby comes and what is the best road to take. I will continue to do vocal lessons at the studio located in Sandy. But I will also be doing vocal lessons at my home as well. READ MORE »


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Help My Stupidity!

So the more that I look at other people’s Blogs, I realize what a slacker I truly am. I am missing a ton of friends and families links to their blogs. Please check the list of friends I have on my Blog. If you aren’t there, please tell me so I can add you!! Please just know that you are still loved. I am just oblivious! READ MORE »

First Baby Shower

Wow, I never thought the day would come when I would be having a baby. Let alone be having baby showers. My friends and family are so sweet to even think to throw me a baby shower! I’ve got such great people in my life! READ MORE »


I haven’t really been keeping up with the whole blogging thing. And I haven’t decided why it seems to be so hard for me. I’m gonna figure it out though!! READ MORE »

I'm Pregnant!

Ok, so Brady and I are pregnant! I have never been so sick in my life and I have spent the last month nauseus all day long. I spend most of my time laying on the couch until I have to go to work at 4. We are really excited. I just wish I wasn’t in so much pain. The doctor has given me medication to help with the sickness part…. but man, it just still creeps in! READ MORE »

Catching up!!

Wow, it has defnitely been a long time since I updated the blog. I guess I really don’t feel like there is anything that amazing to talk about since we don’t have kids that do funny stuff everyday. READ MORE »


So, I’m way excited! I currently work at a performing arts studio and teach choreography and private vocal lessons. I’ve been doing that for 6 years. But now that I’m done with school, I thought I would get a job for the morning hours! READ MORE »

American Idol

So most of you know that I sing. I auditioned for the first american idol 8 years ago. I made it through a bunch of rounds and ended up in the top 50 in LA.

I decided about six months ago that I would tryout again only if they came to Utah…. which they did.

Auditions were yesterday. I felt completly confident and ready to go for auditions. But after I sang my song, the judges said that I was “too good”. Are you freaking kidding me?!! I understand it is a Reality TV show… but isn’t the point of American Idol to have amazing talent?? What do you mean I’m too good to be on the show??!! So frustrating!! Should I have tried to sing a little worse? I’m trying to be positive about it. I mean, I would rather be too good than be told that I wasn’t good enough right??

Hapari Swimwear Party!!!

Hey everyone!!! Me and Linda are throwing a Hapari Swimwear Party. It is just across the street from my house and EVERYONE is totally invited!! It is this Thursday, July 17th from 6:30-8:30. Make sure to come!! There will be tons of people there and lots of way cute swimsuits. If you have never heard of Hapari…. go to their website to see what kind of stuff they have! The best part about their tankinis is that you can tie them 5 different ways!! So no matter your shape, they fit perfect! I love them! There are more styles than the website shows and I think they are even bringing clearance merchandise for us! READ MORE »

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