
High Value $2.00 off of one Organic Girl Product Coupon!

If you prefer to purchase organic products & produce for your family, make sure to print off this coupon! READ MORE »

*HOT* $4.00 off of one Banana Boat Sun Care Item Coupon!

All right, if you haven’t been over to print off coupons on yet, you need to head over there right away. There are some really hot coupons available to print. READ MORE »

Percy and The Olympians on Blu-Ray/DVD Combo only $5.00!!

We saw this movie last year and I thought it was a super cute family show!  Right now, Walmart has Percy and The Olympians on Blu-Ray/DVD Combo for only $5.00!! WOW. READ MORE »

Walmart’s BEST Weekly Deals: 82 Deals Under $1.00, 12 Completely FREE!

These are all deals I’ve personally seen at my local Riverton, UT Walmart store. This list is meant to be used as a guide for your store since all Walmart prices are not the same. Please remember, coupon prices are often regional too. Some coupons may be higher or lower values in this list than they are in your inserts. It’s definitely frustrating to not have the same prices wherever you go. But I hope this list can help you find some great deals at your location too! READ MORE »

Walmart Deal Bins: $.44 Deodorant and More!


I went to Walmart today to get out of the house.  So, of course I had to take my coupon binder with me! READ MORE »

Get Started with Canning! Crazy Deals at Walmart and Online!

I’m not sure I will ever be able to “Can”.  The patience and time it takes to do is more than I can handle.  But, I see so many awesome Women that have canned everything from Salsa to Peaches.  Seriously, you guys are so amazing and I wish I could be more like you!! READ MORE »

Utah County Double Coupon Walmart List – September 20th!

IMPORTANT NEWS:  Utah County is the Pilot Program for the Walmart Double Coupon Promotion.  If it goes well, other Walmart locations across the country may do it too.  Ill keep you in the loop when they decide to have other stores participate too! READ MORE »

Get Toy Story Operation & Battleship for only $1.00 at Target & Walmart!


This week at Big Lots they have select Hasbro Games advertised at only $5.00! If you receive the Big Lots Ad in your Sunday newspaper, this is a great deal to price match at Target or Walmart! Plus, you can use your $4.00 of Hasbro Coupons to make the deal even sweeter! Here’s how: READ MORE »

Star Wars: The Complete Saga Blu-Ray Set (6 Movies) only $79.99 Shipped! Or 3 Disc Original Trilogy $39.96!

Alright, so I know I just posted about this same set on Amazon not too long ago, but I wanted to let all of you know that it is now also available at Walmart for the same price! READ MORE »

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