Using Coupons is spreading like wildfire! And, I know that this coupon website has grown incredibly fast! So, there are a probably a lot of you who are new to using this site and to using coupons in general.
Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right?? Today is that day for me!!
The tickets for the Freebies2Deals Coupon Conference are all sold out. If you were able to grab tickets for this event, you will be receiving an email from me sometime this weekend with details, directions and everything you need to know about admission and what not.
Hi Everyone! As you can tell, I didn’t post today. I have been bed-ridden all day and night with an awful Stomach Flu. So, I am really sorry to leave you all hanging!! I hope to be over this Flu by tomorrow and blogging again.
I have had numerous people email me about this, so I have decided to post about it.
I know some of you are feeling a “Freebies2Deals” void right now, since I have been out of town for the past two days. But don’t worry, first thing Monday morning, I will have tons and tons of awesome deals for you posted and ready to go!
Hey Everyone! I am actually on Vacation today. So, I have decided to take the day off. I think it will officially be my first day off ever on Freebies2Deals. Thanks for being cool with giving me a day off! 🙂
Hey everyone! I have a lot more to post today…including 2 Giveaways!! So, check back a little later this afternoon, I will have more grocery deal matchups and the giveaways posted!