Family Fresh Foods is the only store in Utah that doubles coupons each and every day. If you haven’t shopped there before, it is a smaller store and doesn’t carry every item. But, if you know what you are getting before you go, you can get a LOT of items for free or dirt cheap! To see my video post about my first trip to Family Fresh Foods, go here. ***MOST IMPORTANT: They will only double a coupon that is $1.00 or lower. Any coupon amount above $1.00, will NOT be doubled. So keep that in mind before you go.
I know that there are a lot of Twilight Fans out there. Redplum is offering a few different Twilight Coupons.
To all you newbies, SS Stands for Smart Source, RP Stands for Red Plum and PG Stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all of the coupons inserts you can get in your Sunday paper. Even if you don’t get the Sunday Paper, there are a lot of deals below that use printable Target coupons and printable manufacturer coupons!
Please remember that Walgreens has an 8 page ad and a 16 page ad. Depending on where you live, it is completely different. Utah gets the 8 page ad. Since that is where I live, I will only be posting the 8 page ad deals. If you check other coupon sites, remember that all of the deals they post may not be available to your area!! has a few more coupons for you to grab! One imparticular is the $1.00 off any dial soap or body wash! Since there is no size restriction on the coupon, you can grab a trial size. Most trial prices are at or around $1.00, so you could end up getting it for FREE! Kristin from CouponingtoDisney told me that Walgreens has the trial size for $.97 right now.