If you guys aren’t watching your weekly ads from places like Staples, Office Max and Office Depot, you are really missing out.� Back to School sales are in full swing.� And, considering you can even price match at Walmart, it is a good idea to keep them on hand so you can get the cheapest prices on everything you want to purchase.
Ok, the 4th of July week is over and now the shelves are being cleared for the Back to School Sales!� This is the time to really stock up on everything that goes in your office for the ENTIRE YEAR.� And I’m not joking when I say that!� I always purchase enough Scotch tape to last me through Christmas, Birthdays and all of my little projects.� If you can think ahead and purchase when items are at their all-time low, you won’t ever have to pay full price when you run out.� It’s a hard way to think at first, but it becomes second nature.� And, your wallet will thank you later!!