
Pay It Forward This Summer!

We’re constantly out and about enjoying our summer and tend to come in contact with a lot of people. So teaching my children about paying it forward has come up in a few conversations we’ve had. It’s a good reminder that it’s the simple things we do for each other that can make this crazy life a little less stressful. So here are some simple pay it forward ideas you can use to bless others. READ MORE »

The Best Way to Save Money at Thrift Stores


Do you like to go thrift shopping?  I do! I mean, I have literally bought probably 75% of my clothing at thrift shops (and the rest have been bought at discount stores such as Ross Dress for Less).  The thing is though, I know it seems like it is super easy to save money when you are thrift shopping, but the reality is that thrift shopping can actually cost quite a lot of money these days, especially with the prevalence of higher end thrift stores that have been popping up all around us. READ MORE »

Need Help with Your Chore Chart? Here are 15 Summer Jobs for Kids

It’s summer time and I feel like I’m slacking in my chore chart. The kids are are starting to run wild, which means I need to get a little more organized and have them work! I need to update the chore chart now that there are some summer chores that can be done. Here are 20 that will help your kids get to work, and they just might enjoy them. READ MORE »

Ways To Save Money On Your Electricity This Summer!

We’ve been pretty fortune to have great weather thus far. But it’s starting to warm up which means your electricity bill will increase. There are some ways you can save money on your electricity this summer and they’re simple! READ MORE »

The Best Places to Sell Your Stuff Online


Do you have a closet full of old clothes that you no longer wear?  Books that you haven’t read in years? Gadgets that don’t get used?  Or, maybe toys that the kids have outgrown? If you are anything like me, you are probably feeling tired of all of the clutter.  So, what can you do about it? Well, my friends, you have several options here. You can: READ MORE »

3 Ways to Save Money on Your 4th of July Party


The fourth of July is just a few short days away, my friends!  What are your plans? If you are hoping to throw together a last minute 4th of July party, have no fear, we can make this happen!   READ MORE »

3 Ways to Save Money on Your 4th of July Party



The fourth of July is just a few short days away, my friends!  What are your plans? If you are hoping to throw together a last minute 4th of July party, have no fear, we can make this happen!   READ MORE »

Party Food Ideas for Your 4th of July BBQ


I love the 4th of July. I love the red, white and blue, and all of the festivities that come with it. You might get together with family or friends and enjoy a BBQ or a picnic, whatever you do, food is usually involved. This year I wanted to make something different, but yummy. I’ve come up with a few different options. Hopefully one will work for you! READ MORE »

Geode Hunting in Dugway Utah!

My kids have been interested in rock collecting and hunting over the past few years so I thought now would be the perfect time to take them on a trip to the Geode Beds in Utah! Before we left I did a lot of research to figure out what we were looking for and other fun things to do so here’s what I learned. READ MORE »

3 Ways to Save Money School Shopping

I know it feels like school just got out, but before you know it, you will need to be school shopping. If you are like me, you are starting early so that you can save money and get it over with before it gets to be too stressful. READ MORE »

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