For a limited time, you can purchase a 1-year subscription to ESPN magazine for only $5.00 per year on Amazon! This is a major discount off the cover price of this magazine!
In fact, at this price you will receive 12 months of issues at only $.19 per issue! WOW!
Keep in mind, subscriptions like this also make great gifts! To give as a gift, purchase the subscription and give the recipient’s address at checkout. Then, you can purchase the most recent issue at the store and wrap it up with a cute card letting them know they are getting the magazine each month! It’s a great gift that keeps on coming all year!
**Please note: This deal is with auto-renewal. You can easily cancel that though right before it is set to renew though, if you need to.
on Amazon’s page it says 5 month auto renewal?
nevermind I found the right link! Thanks, my husband loves getting a good deal on the magazine so he can use ESPN insider.