If you’re still looking for LEGO or Princess deals, here’s one for you to check out. Right now at ToysRus they have select Princess and LEGO Duplo items on Buy 1 Get 1 50% off!
And, the deal doesn’t stop there because you can also go through Ebates and get 3% cash back on your purchase! That may not seem like a lot right now, but if you use Ebates for a lot of your Christmas shopping online, the amounts you get back can definitely start to add up.
All these Toys R Us deals are killing me! My boys use GeoTrax and they would LOVE some new trains and tracks but they have not gone on sale!! Do they just not ever go on sale or am I just having horrible luck?
Make sure you check the price on amazon before you buy. The two lego’s I want are still cheaper to buy from Amazon because they are $10 and $20 more from the start on Toys R Us.
I swear Toys R Us up’d their prices this week for this sale. Everything I’m watching is still not a deal having to pay full price for one item… Lego Friends, certain Barbie items… prices $10 or higher than last week ;(