I know you have all seen the Proactiv offers on TV.� But I thought I would let you know of this hot deal they have right now online.
For a limited time, Proactiv is offering the Deluxe Proactive System for $29.95!� It includes: Renewing Cleanser, Revitalizing Toner, Repairing Treatment, Oil Free Moisture with SPF15 Daily Oil Control.� Plus, it also includes a Travel-size Green Tea Moisturizer!
On top of that, you can choose a freebie as well: Refining Mask, Deep Cleansing Wash or Dark Spot Corrector!
But the best part of this offer is that it includes everything I listed above AND Free Standard Shipping!� Woo-Hoo!� So, if you have wanted to use or try this system, this is an incredible deal.
**Keep in mind that when you purchase they will enroll you in an auto-renew membership.� If you only want the first offer I have listed above, you will want to call them up after you received your order and cancel the auto-renew option.�
i’ve wanted to try this for awhile, thanks!
Rebecca J
This product works really well. It helped my husband in High School!
Kristen F
I have wanted to try this. This is a great deal.
Cami Sullivan
Proactive is the best! It made such a difference in my teen years!
Stacey M.
These products really do work. This is a great deal!
Talina W
I used to enroll in this. The free shipping makes this a GREAT deal since the 19.95 offer you usually see doesn’t include the $8 shipping and it doesn’t come with all the extras.
Kara Rolf
Proactive has really helped a lot of my friends and family with acne/skin issues. This is a great deal for great skin!
Kaci Bristow
I love Proactive! It has helped me and my husband!
Sandy Passey
I have heard mixed reviews about proactive. This would be a good deal to try it out!
Crysti L.
Proactive really helped me when I had hormonal issues which cause really bad acne. This is a great price to try it!
Heidi Schiffman
I used this for a while and had mixed mixed results, so if you want to try it, it is best to start a really good deal like this.
I know someone who has used this and it worked great for them.
Erika Southwick
Great deal!
jennifer s
great! i have been wanting to try and this is the best deal yet!
brittany d
The refining mask is really awesome! I definitely recommend it!
Sarah Garcia
Normally I see proactive 19.95 for the basics adding the 2 extra bottles makes this a deal
Lori Stevens
I need to tell my niece about this. She will be so excited!!!
Kristy P
great price to try it.
Krysta G
I’ve heard great things about proactiv. My sister used it and it worked wonders. Maybe I should give it a try. Thanks!
I have been waiting to try this! Thanks for the deal!
Zinnia Dietze
I have used proactiv for a couple years now and this is a good deal. The deluxe pack is normally around $80 so this is definitely a steal!
Laureen V
This does work! When we were on the auto-ship program, we were getting new product soon than we needed. The company will work with you to change your mailing frequency if that happens to you- just call them, I’ve always been satisfied with their customer service.
I have been using Proactiv for 10 years now and I wouldn’t use anything else! I had really bad acne and dry sensitive skin, and it worked! Other products irritated my skin and caused more flare-ups, but Proactive didn’t.
Tifani Comer
Tried Proactiv once as a teen and my face broke out worse
Carly Bevans
I am so happy you posted this.. I have been needing Proactiv for a while!
Julie Wood
Honestly, I’ve tried Proactive, and it wasn’t good for my skin. It made me breakout. I believe I am allergic or sensitive to the salicydic acid in it though. Any time I’ve used products with that in them, my skin suffers. It’s better for me to use Benzoyl Peroxide instead.
Sarah King
I love Proactiv! It has really helped. Also for times when you need some and just can’t afford Proactiv try the brand at Costco. It is the same formula but half the price!
Proactive is great! But I recommend buying it on Amazon where you dont have to sign up for a membership because they can be a real hassle to cancel.
Make sure you are willing to be dedicated to the system. Doesn’t really work if you just do it every once in a while.
This seems to be one of the lowest prices offered! It’s been around for years and we’ve all heard several celebrities believe in the product. It’s affordable for us!! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome! I could definitely use this right now.
These would be nice
The refining mask is a great find. You should definitely try it!
Camille Hunt
This is such a great price!
Donna Thomas
Good deal!
Melissa Thornton
Great deal! Especially the free shipping!
Great deal! I used Proactive in high school and it made a huge difference!
great deal!!
Thanks for all you do your awesome!!
Looks like a great deal.
Heather McDonald
I used this when I was a teenager and loved it!
Bridget M
I have never personally used ProActiv, but I have had many people that have used it. I think it is amazing. What a great deal too.
I know that my brother in law uses this. I will have to pass on the good deal info to him!
We’ve tried Proactive, and liked it as well. But yes, you probably will need to adjust the auto shipping option if you want to continue getting the product.
Monica Steele
My mom purchased Proactiv for my brother before and it worked great for him and lasted quite a while!
Stephanie Larsen
Maybe its time to try it for that price…
I have a lot of family members who use this product.
This looks like a great deal!
bambi caldwell
what a great price! now is the time to try
This is a great deal, thanks.
Ka Vue
I’ve used these products in the past and they really works. I started to see results in no time upon using them. I highly recommend these products to those who are in need of acne treatment and so forth.
I have always wanted to try this, and this looks like a good deal! Thanks
Yvette Mo
Good deal!
I’ve used this before and it worked for me. The thing is you have to use it consistently or you won’t get good results
I love Proactiv… my husband and I both use it and have had great results!
I used to use these products and they work
I loved this when I was in high school. It worked great for me!
judy kimery
This is a good deal for those who have acne problems. Proactiv has had some great reviews!
I tried this product once and loved it…I just couldn’t afford to buy it all the time. You will love it this price but then it will be more expensive after you come to LOVE it and have to pay more for it next time. I am on the fence about jumping on the deal. I don’t want to get it and then have to pay more for it after I love it and there is no deal on it.
so many people love this product!
Erin Morrow
Proactiv really worked for me when I was having a lot of skin problems. I would highly recommend trying it!
Shaylin Dopp
I loved Proactiv as a teenager, and even at 26 now it is very helpful. This is a great deal not to pass up!
My daughter uses this and LOVES it!
I tried this when I was a teenager, and it worked WONDERS on my skin. It’s a good product!
Love this stuff works great & great deal.
This is a great deal and the stuff works too!
This product made me break out worse. I was using it for about a month and just kept getting more and more breakouts, just before I finally gave it up, I broke out horrible. Just ended up being the time my future mother in law came out to visit her son and I met her. Talk about embarrassing! Oh well, it’s funny to think about now 10 years later.
great deal on shipping for this product. It really works well!!
Used this for years, great price to grab it at.
Maria C
I have not used this product but my friend swears it is the best.
Some free advise…be careful what you are wearing when you use proactive. I friend of mine accidentally bleached the collars of all his shirts.
Lynette A
I;ve heard great things about this, but am on prescription meds for my skin.
Kennedy Noel
Just bought this. Thanks for sharing!
Great Deal! Thanks, Melea!
Angela Stewart
Great deal on Proactive… but I’m glad I don’t need it!
Trinady H
My husband used to use this stuff as a teenager and hated it. I got him to try it again since they have updated their formula and now he loves it, but be careful they are had to get to cancel your subscription
Felicia C.
Have heard good this about this product.
Proactive is wonderful!
Reanna Tuft
Works for my brother in law his skin is nice and clear.
Colleen Burke
I do LOVE proactiv.. I have tried MANY other brands that never seem to do the same as proactiv.. For those who may miss this deal or say you run out of one product and dont need to order a full set but an individual one.. I know our WestShore Mall in Tampa,FL has a proactiv machine!!! Where you can purchase sets or individual items!!!! Love the body wash too!!
Chris Tuft
my brother really likes this and uses it every day, his skin looks great too!
This stuff really works. Thanks!
My teenage son has been asking me about trying this, so I’ve been paying attention to the prices..this looks like the lowest I’ve seen for the amount of product you get–thanks!
I have heard this helps, and works great.
Amanda Barry
Ive heard good things, but have never tried it.
I’ve used Proactiv in the past and found it was very effective, especially as I first started using it.
Shop at home often has this deal for free. I have done it before where Shop at Home gave me $20 cash back.
Proactive is the only thing that helps my dads face and i love this deal!
Katherine S
I really like Proactiv. However, during the winter months, I have to use it every other day or my skin gets too dry and then I have more problems with my acne!
Been wanting to try this out!
I have been wanting to try this. NOw is the time with this deal.
I’ve never used it but heard it is a really good product.
This is a great deal. I have found tho, that the brand OXY works just as great for acne as this stuff… And it’s a lot cheaper. I would encourage everyone to try OXY.
Kristi Hiatt
Looks like a good deal if you have been wanting to try this
Beth Enk
This is a very good deal for this product. My husband started using this several years ago and I have to admit I was skeptical, but it really did help clear skin. I have to admit I was impressed.
Proactive never worked for me.
Have always wondered about this — have heard good and bad! Good time to try
This sounds like a great deal because so much is included! I have heard really good reviews about the proactive products.
I always wanted to try this in high school. I’ve heard great things about it!
This is a great deal on this. Thanks!
Kyle Albracht
Never used it, but it’s so cheap, why not give it a try? Thanks!
Amanda D
Love Proactiv, currently using it at age 26 and it works great.
Sherise S.
Thanks for this I’ve been thinking of getting some for my girl, now this great deal comes along, yaay!
I used this in college & loved it. Good deal!
I tried but it didn’t really work for me.
my friend swears by proactive
Its nice to find a deal to try it out.
Sean E
I’ll pass this one along to friends and family who use Proactive. Thanks for the heads up!
My sister is a firm believer in proactive! What a great price to get started! Thanks freebies!!!
Heidi V
I have a friend who swears by this stuff!
I think I might try this for my 12 year old. I have heard good things about it Thanks
I just ran out and I hate having to run to the mall to get it. Thank you again and again!!
I’ve tried it and it really worked for me. For the first time in my life, I was zit free. I know different things work for different people, but it really did work for me.
Thanks, I think I will have to get some more!
This is good stuff, I used it for a while until I discovered the Acne Free at Target/Walmart. Much cheaper and easier to access. But Proactive is good!
This product is great! I used a few years ago, and it really helped me.
Great product!
Great deal!!
been wanting to try this for awhile now
Proactive is such a great product!! And this is a great deal!!
I’ve never tried it but have heard great things about it.
Shannon H.
What a great deal! Have always wanted to try this product.
always wanted to try this, but i have many friends who say it made their skin worse once they stopped using it. but it seems like most people on here have loved it!
Jewel Yoder
I don’t use Proactive. But I love this website so I can try things out at a discounted price! Thank you for all of your hard work in finding these deals for us!
Wow! That is a great deal!
Sandra Chapel
Wow that is a really good deal!
Never tried it but its seems like a good deal to test it out.
Emily Dorigo
I have a friend who used this in college. She got great results. This is a fabulous deal.
My mom, my sister, and I have all used Pro-activ and we found it to be really helpful! It has worked the best of all the different skin care treatments I’ve tried.
Holli VanderMolen
Wow, thanks this seems to be one of the best prices i’ve seen on proactive.
Traci Glick
Awesome product!!!
Khrys Rawson
This is an awesome deal!! Thank you
Ricki M.
I want this!
Jessica M
I use proactiv. I love the stuff! I used another brand because a friend of mine’s sister was selling it and I broke out SO bad! This was the only thing that would clear up my skin after that.
Athena VanderMeyden
Proactive is the BEST. My teenagers use it all the time!
Kylene Barber
I love proactiv!!! It works like a charm
Camille Wyatt
Great deal to try if you are looking for a change, to help your skin it works great.
Allie Blackham
Great deal for a great product!
Leslie M.
This is a great deal! I’ve heard it works well, too!
Flor Montufar
Thanks! My 17 y.o son tried everything, including prescription minocin, and this works best for him.
Emily Bodily
I just m need to convince myself that every now and then it is ok to spend money on me.
That is such a good deal!
I’ve done Proactive before and loved it! This is a great deal!
Proactive has been a lifesaver for my brother! Love this product!
Melissa W
This is a great deal! I�ve heard it works well, too!
I was on proactive for a while and it worked but made my face reallly dry! So make sure you have a good moisturizer if you pick this up. I switched to Image and it works amazingly well and doesn’t make me dry! Love it.
Laurie Jo
Love Proactiv! I used it for years and my husband still uses it as well. Not just for teenagers
Great deal if you are wanting to try it out.
i used this stuff when i was younger it really does work great, im pretty sure it has improved since i see more new products
Tiffany Davis
I really have been wanting to try their face brush I keep seeing on tv! I wish that was part of the offer
Gloria Burchyett
Another amazing deal! Way to go Pro Active!
I’ve had lots of friends and family use this – and they love it. Now it may be my turn to try it out, my skin was better as a teenager than it is as an adult! Free shipping is a great bonus!
I tried Proactive and it didn’t work for me. But I know some people who really like it! It just made me break out even worse.
Camie Wilcox
This worked great for my brother-in-law. I had never needed to try it but have heard good things!
I am so grateful that I never had to use this product but, it is great that it it available.
ashley metzger
I caved and ordered Proactive after an infomercial, which I never do. But I was glad I did. It worked really well, even when I didn’t use it all the time. It cleared my face for good. I don’t use it anymore, but I haven’t really had breakouts since I used it. Get it while it’s on a good deal.
Nicole S
I’ve always wanted to try this
Jodi k
Beware before buying this deal!! Not only does the product make you break out worse, you are enrolling in a monthly subscription and it is really hard to cancel, it took several months (paying 29.99 each month)to get it reversed and cancelled.
Marci Butterfield
I have never used it but I had roommates that did and they loved it!
Shelise Lowe
Thanks for all the great deals
Erika Mattaliano
My daughter has been begging me to get this for her so with a great deal like this I might just have to do it
Carrie Mingay
Proactiv can also work for adults – this is a goood deal. Just pay attention to how often they will ship it to you or else you might get some before you need it. You can control everything about the timing of the order.
I’ve heard that Proactiv is awesome. I’ll have to check it out.
I’ve been curious about this product for years and appreciate all the comments of those who have used it.
I wonder what they charge when you need to buy more?
I’ve thought about getting this for my daughter so all the helpful comments are informative. Thanks
I have always wanted to try it. I guess now is a good time! Thanks!
Melissa M
I’ve had many friends and family members that have had great success with Proactiv. Seems like a great product.
Natalie Smith
Thanks for posting this. I have more skin problems now than I ever had in high school!!
I would love to try the dark spot corrector, but I don’t need any of the “main” stuff. I hate to pay $30 just for the spot corrector. Has anyone used it AND had positive results? THanks.
D Terry
This really works good
Jaysa Hursa
I have used proactive in the past when I struggled with acne. It’s definitely worth the buy if it’s something you need. This is a great deal on it too!
My husband’s always wanted to try this. Thanks!
Frances Lynn Fochs
Good deal
Sara M
This seems like a great deal.
Andrea Romanczyk
If you use http://www.shopathome.com when you go for this deal, Shopathome will also give you $10 cash back to your account!
Good deal!
At Shopko last week I found a similar type kit (different brand) that even came with a bonus battery operated facial scrubber all for 19.99. Can’t remember the brand name but it was on the shelves by the acne products.
I’d love to try the dark spot corrector. Anyone have any experience with it? I just started trying different brands of products to try to improve problem areas on my face from acne and sun spots. This is a great offer to try. Thanks!
I heard this works well
Marissa Gates
My sister swears by this brand, it took a few months but her acne cleared up and hasn’t been back since! Definitly something to try if you struggle with acne
Melanie Cain
Thank you so much for everything you do!!
Heather King
Thanks for posting this!! I’ve been wanting to get something for my husband, he works outside all day so this should help with his sun spots!!!
Nothing worked for my sister until she started using Proactiv. She feels so much better now that she’s got he acne under control.
I’ve used this product for years, and it works really good!
Donna Shelley
I did this one already.I had to return it,as it made my skin too dry,but they are very easy to deal with if you do have to return.
Michelle Forstrom
What a great deal on a tried and true product! Thank you!
Mellissa J.
Good deal! I don’t use Proactive, but for someone who wants to try it- it is a good deal!
Sandra Henslee
Good deal!
K Crew
I have used this at three different stages in my life, and it hasn’t worked for me (although I haven’t found anything that has!). This seems like a great price for those it will work for!
Wish they had this when I was a teen!
Shannon E.
I have been wanting to try this for my face. Sounds like it works really well and what a great deal. Thanks!
Andrea Jones
I love this stuff! Thank you!
Jessica A
Thanks, this looks great for my teenager! i love when you post things for older kids too like this.
Product works very well
I’ve heard this product works. Never tried it myself.
My aunt uses this instead of Mary Kay; she has Adult Acne so it helps her.
Sarah K
This is an awesome deal! I had to share it with my sister.
Proactiv helped me as a teenager. I love the commercial with P. Diddy where he says, “I need to moisturize my situation.”
sweet-my nephew was just talking about this-I will let him know!
I’m ordering this for my husband today. What a great deal!
This is a nice deal to share!
Jenn J.
I’ve thought about doing proactive several times, maybe this is the time to do it!
My sister loves this stuff, I’ll have to pass this along her way. Thanks!
Marilyn Holje
I’d love to try this!
I’ve always wanted to try this stuff. Looks like a good deal! Maybe I’ll have to snag it
Thanks for posting!
Brandi Christensen
Got this a week ago for my son. He alredy looks great!
I haven’t used proactive but my sister swears by it. She has used it for years and her skin looks great. I may give it a try.
Hannah Garrett
I use Proactiv and love it! Especially the dark spot corrector.
Elizabeth B.
The refining mask is the best!!!
Be careful! Proactive did not work for my son and we cancelled. They kept sending us and billing us each month. It was quite a pain!!! It took about 3 months to get everything straightened out.
Nice to know
I wish they had this when I was in Junior high :S
Cassandra Sparks
Thank you for posting this!!
I used this a long time ago, and it worked really well!
Andrina Fuller
My husband even uses this product with me as it doesn’t have any strong smells, which he dislikes.
can’t wait to try the dark spot remover
I was dependent on Proactive for years. If I used anything else, I would break out. It got too expensive for me, and I hated that they shipped it automatically instead of when I wanted it. I tried the EQUATE VERSION AT WAL-MART AND IT IS JUST AS GOOD!…FOR ONLY AROUND $12. Plus I can get it when I want it.
My husband SWEARS by Proactiv. Thanks for the head’s up!
I have tried this product and didn’t notice an improvement
My friend was just talking about this. I will let her know of the deal
Good deal!!
Natalie Ward
It’s time to try Proactive. My daughter needs help with her acne.
need this for my sister – thanks so much!
i’ve really been wanting to try Proactiv…this is a great deal!
My daughter tried this, work pretty good.
Rene Foppe
Great deal!
This stuff works, you just have to keep using it
this stuff works great. my hubby uses it
This works!
Tracie W
They have a money back guarantee, so you can’t go wrong!
This is a great product. It has helped my boyfriend. In addition, I was getting acne, but had an outbreak out eczema and was concern to use it. I can say, it did not affect my eczema and has helped my acne.
Proactiv does the job!
This is great price. looks like you get a few bonus items with it.
This stuff is awesome! Your skin can never look too good.
I used Proactiv for a while and it worked great! Highly recommend this great deal!
Ashley Barnett
This is a GREAT deal! This stuff works too!
Yeah this stuff is great. And this price can’t be beat!
This stuff helps alot. But didn’t “cure” me. But everyone definately should try it
Stephie V
Such a wonderful product – just make sure never to use it while pregnant and talk to dr if nursing!
That’s amazing, my hubby’s been wanting to try this!
Yareli Teoyotl
This sounds like a great deal.
Liz C
Sounds like a good deal. Nice to see the positive reviews on it!
Used to use Proactiv years ago and loved it.
I love pro active!
I’ve always wanted to try proactiv!
What a great deal for this product!
Cammy Berthelson
I have heard good and bad about these!! My Derm says use cetaphil face wash and moisturizer and some benzyl peroxide solution (which is what proactiv is). Great Deal
Rachel F.
For those of you who are curious about this product, I’ve tried it before, but wasn’t very impressed with it. I feel that the AcneFree brand actually works better for me, and they have a line for sensitive skin, which is really nice. ProActiv has a weird, sulfur smell to it that AcneFree doesn’t have.
I’ve never tried proactive but this seems like a great deal!
amber monroe
This is a good deal would like for my teen to try this thanks for the post!
This is great stuff.
Allyson Burton
Awesome deal!
I was sad Proactiv never really worked for me
I don’t want to be negative, but my two girls tried Proactive and it didn’t help their skin. I know it has worked for others though.
lacy hilton
Great price to give this product a try!
Heather Silver
skin care and cosmetic items are often rather expensive. It is nice to see discounts available.
I have always wondered how Proactive works. Now might be the time to try it out.
Austin Smead
I have used proactive for years. Its a great product!
Lauren Earl
Wow! Awesome deal! I am currently trying this product out myself to see if it works for me.
Amanda Tullis
Great deal!
I would love to know if others have had success with this product.
Andrea Williams
Thank you for this post. My son is battling with acne and we really would like to try this.
Laurie Caldwell
This is a great deal, thanks
Danielle Jones
Thanks for the heads up on the membership.
I tried this once before and I got traped in thier system. Even after I canceled my acount with them I still get information from them and watch my bank statement to see if they are still billing me. Just be careful!
I used them before and it worked good for me.
I have a lot of friends that have used this product and it seemed to work well.
I love this deal!!
That’s a great deal!
Never tried this stuff. A lot of mixed reviews. Thanks anyway!
Bethany BBT
I tried it once and couldn’t tell if it worked well or just my skin just does what it wants with any wash. ALthought the Refining mask was great for spot treamtents. I put it on acne, red spots, etc before going to bed at night and it helped great rid of them faster.
Tansey Hall
I use this every now and then. I love the dark spot remover for a bright complexion!
Joelle S.
This product was too strong for me as a teenager. I am finding a lot of great alternatives OTC in stores now that aren’t quite as harsh but still seem to be effective. I’m glad it works so well for some people, though. Beware that it will bleach towels. (I think it’s the peroxide.) We also had some trouble canceling our membership, but I think got it resolved in the end.
Jessica Burton
I love that there is free shipping and a free gift. Love those extra little free things.
**YES- you can leave ONE Comment on each post with today�s (10/8/12) date and get entries for each one into the Giveaway!
proactiv is an awesome product. thanks!
Rena Galvez
I’m more wrinkles than pimples now, but it’s a great gift idea for my nieces.
It just might work for the teenager
Rae R
Great deal. Thanks.
I’d like to try the system. Hope it works for me.
What a great deal! My nephew used this and it worked great!
Valorie Hoffman
I didn’t really love the old formula when I used Proactiv years ago, but hopefully they’ve made some changes.
Denisha Oldroyd
If you’ve been skeptical but wanted to try proactiv, this is your chance for a great deal!
a great product. Cleared my nephews skin right up
This stuff is way too strong on my sensitive skin, and it will bleach anything it comes into contact with.
Keola Kinghorn
I know a lot of people who swear by proactiv. I would reccomend this to people who struggle with acne.