If you didn’t know, you can sign up to get Target Mobile Coupons sent to your phone each week via text. When you head to Target, you can just hand them your phone and they will scan the coupon bar codes on your screen! If you aren’t signed up for that (It’s free by the way…), you can go over here and do so.
Well, now Target is texting Baby Deals, Coupons and More Via Text!! You will get unique coupon codes to use online and in-store coupons just like the Mobile coupons I talked about above…. except they are all Baby Related!! YAY! To sign up for the Baby Target Mobile Coupons, just text the word BABY to 827438.
**In order to scan the coupons from your phone, you will need a web-enabled device.
It didn’t work for me, it said code may be expired?
I just received the Target Baby Mailer with coupons in the mail yesterday. I am amazed to finally receive one somehow. I was starting to think it was like Big Foot.
Jackilyn, I would try again, because I just did it now and it worked for me. Hope you get it to work! 🙂