Just a heads up for those of you who are new to couponing. During Holiday Weekends, the Sunday papers do not usually get coupon inserts. So don’t think that yours are missing. That is how it is across the entire country. But they make up for it in the coming weeks with extra inserts. So don’t worry!
Sometimes when we aren’t supposed to get inserts, we will get surprised with one. And that is always a plus!
So hopefully not having coupon inserts this week can help you get caught up on cutting out any coupons you have left from past weeks. I know it is hard to do! Believe me. I have to give myself a pep talk each time before I cut. But I am always SO thankful when I am at the store and have them all ready to go!
Natasha Gwynn
Thanks for letting us know. I combed through the paper again today thinking I must have missed it and feeling jipped when I didn't find it. Now I know! Thank you!