Coupons / Safeway

What are your Favorite Recipes for When you are Sick?

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There are a few things I like to have when I am sick with the Flu- Chicken Noodle Soup, cartons of Orange Juice and sometimes a little Gatorade.  But, I know a lot of you have those secret family recipes for helping you get over Colds and Flus a lot faster.  And, we would LOVE for you to share them!

If you still haven’t had a chance to pick up your Safeway Coupon Booklet, they have a recipe inside to help you get better faster!  Plus, don’t forget all of the coupons inside for products like Clorox and Kleenex.  Have any of the Safeway shoppers found the coupon booklet yet at the Pharmacy counter??

Ok, and now on to your “Secret Family Recipes”!  Comment below with what your family does to help feel better during flu season!  (And if the recipes have products that we normally see coupons for… even better!)

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  1. vegetables and dumplings…my moms “recipe.” a simple dumpling using flour salt and egg and vegetable broth. I just add any vegetables that sound good at the time. Sometimes I omit veggies all together and just add rosemary. always makes me feel better.

  2. When I have a cold, I find a “hot toddy” before I go to bed helps me sleep so much better. I use chamomile tea, honey, whiskey, and I add a cough drop in there which works wonders for clearing the nose. (If you don’t drink, just eliminate the liquor) The cough drop is key though!

  3. Fresh lemon juice, honey and either fresh minced ginger (my preference) or garlic. This really works great using either. I simply grate about an inch piece of ginger (or garlic), then squeeze about 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and about 3 tablespoons of honey and put all into a pot og boiling water, cover, turn off and let sit for about 20 mins.

  4. For Tammy: just to clarify: after it sits for 20 min, you then sip it? Sorry that’s probably a silly question! Thanks!!! 🙂

  5. Caffeine and vitamin D are my go-to things, in addition to Tylenol and ibuprofen of course! Wasabi is also nice to clear the sinuses.

  6. My great grandmother used onion syrup (mash up the onions and boil it, I guess) to help clear congestion. I can’t stand onions myself, but Grandma says it is the only thing that would work for my mom when she was young.
    Mom made me gargle with salt water when I had a sore throat. Nasty, but helpful. I prefer a spoonful of honey.

    Grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup are a staple in cold season.
    We drink warm Jell-O before it is congealed when at our very worst and having a hard time keeping anything else down.

  7. My husband puts Vicks on his chest, drinks a shot of Blackberry brandy and lies under a blanket with head covered. If I have a sore throat, I like honey and lemon in some tea.


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