Head over to Coupons.com where a new coupon for $1.25 off of any one Robitussin Product has popped up that you can print! Don’t forget you can usually hit your back button & print two.
This coupon may allow you to score FREE Robitussin at your local Walmart. Here’s how:
Purchase Robitussin To-Go 2 count for $1.00
Use the $1.25 off of any one Robitussin Product Coupon
Total cost FREE + $0.25 in overage
(Thanks Stingy Momma)
I have never been able to find the To-Go. Are they somewhere that is not with the other Robitussin products?
I can never find them either~
I can’t find them either…what section should the be in?
rakellee vargas
i keep looking too… i was wondering if they were in some weird section idk about….
rakellee vargas
does any other store carry them? or just walmart??