Now through October 2nd at Men’s Wearhouse, you can purchase 1 Tie & get 2 more for FREE! Plus, for a limited time, shipping on all ground orders is FREE!
To get this deal online just use code SEPTIE at checkout.
It looks like the pricing on the Ties starts at $19.99. So with this promotion you could end up getting all 3 Ties for only $19.99 + tax! That means each tie is only around $6.67! WOW!
Don’t forget Ties work great as stocking stuffers!
Thanks! This is a great deal on ties. I bought 3 for my hubby’s stocking. I hope he likes the ones I picked! 🙂
thanks! I got 3 for my husband!!!!
Working on getting some, but the site is running so slow! Guess everyone is trying to get in on the good deal!
Thanks so much for putting this on! I got the ties for my wedding! This is a great deal! Thanks for all your hard work!
Jo Ann
I was in the process of picking ties, when the website changed and said, “Website currently under construction. Please visit us again soon.” (or similar) I did call the customer service line and the gentleman I was talking to tried to get online and he got the same message, so there was nothing he could do for me right now.
Awesome. Thanks!
Thanks Started my Christmas Shopping!!!
The site is crawling. I hope I can be patient enough for this one. 🙂
Jo-Ann B.
Purchased three ties (original total price $158.00) for $56.17! They will allow you to put in 2 coupon codes, one at a time: SEPTIE, plus another, if you have one! Unfortunately, I did not…lol…
David Politis
This is a GREAT deal, Melea. I bought 3 for myself and paid less than $11 per tie! AWESOME!!!
Great deal. Thanks!!