For those of you who are new to couponing, sites like, Redplum and SmartSource will all reset at the beginning of the month. So any coupons that you may use in the next month or so, you will want to print them now and file them away. Every month there are always coupons I wish I would have printed, because there always ends up being a sale on those items.
So, you only have a day and a half to print out your coupons. If you are unsure of what to print, ask yourself “If this was on sale and I could get it for extremely cheap or even free, would I buy it??” If the answer is yes, print it twice!
**One tip, on the site, once you print your first copy, the coupon will seem like it has disappeared. It hasn’t. It has just been moved to one of the last pages. You can find it there and print it a second time.