Right now Walmart is offering a few coupons on their site!
This isn’t something I’ve seen Walmart do a lot so it’s kind of cool. Hopefully we’ll see more coupons like this in the future from them!
It looks like the coupons available right now are:
- $0.75 off of one Skintimate Shave Gel
- $0.50 off of one package of Cottonelle Flushable Moist Wipes
- $5.00 off of one Zyrtec (70 ct)
- & $2.00 off any Tylenol Precise
(Thanks Amy)
To go directly to the skintimates and other coupons:
If you combine 2/.50 Cottonelle flushable moist wipes coupon with the Target coupon for $1.25 off 2, you end up paying around $1.12 for each one. These are the 42 count ones. This was done at Target in Utah, I’m not sure if the price varies for different regions.
I just entered “coupon” in the search space and a lot of coupons came up!! Wow!!
They did have a link on the home page, but the last two weeks I’ve had to search “coupons”.
For anybody else who is having problems getting through or can’t find some of them… Here is a link to all of them plus more that aren’t mentioned. https://instoresnow.walmart.com/In-Stores-Now-Coupons.aspx
Are these store coupons or manufacturer? If they are store coupons, can we stack them?
Thank You