Time to announce a FEW of the Giveaway Winners. We still have a few Giveaways going on that haven’t ended yet: Like the Jane.com $400 Giveaway over on Instagram, Del Taco Giveaway over on Facebook (20 Winners!) and My Favorite Makeup Items Giveaway! AND, there will be more popping up this weekend. So keep watching here and on the Freebies2Deals Social Media Pages.
And the Winners of the $5 Amazon Gift Cards Are:
Heather (heather738@)
Cathy (cathy.jeppsen@)
Twila (twilladh@)
Alexandra (amjhogan@)
Lucia (shortcake874@)
Samantha (sgregson4@)
Jana (jana@soh)
Krista (klsoderborg@)
Dixie (dixiesdixie@)
Jena (jenakaye@)
Aide (divinaluzjmj@)
Barb (bahtrans@)
Rachael (rachfirm@)
Karen (karenj1986@)
Maren (marenwatkins@)
Stacey (sabraham1186@)
Malea (makeaesplin@)
Michelle (michelleclaudiagray@)
Nicole (ncragun@)
Jennifer (ksu_olberding2004@)
Congrats! If your email address/name is listed on this post, you have 48 hours to email Jen at winners@freebies2deals.com from the email you entered the drawing with to claim your prize. Or, I will need to re-draw a winner in your place.
Heather D
Yeah!!! I’m so excited to finally win something on your site 🙂