It’s crazy, but Back to School Sales have started! So for all of you who have kids going back to school in just 3 weeks, you know we’ve got a lot of work to do and lot to get ready for.
You are going to see this picture ^^^ on the sidebar of Anytime a deal on Back-to-School items pop up, they will go to the Back to School Category and that picture. So if you want to see the BTS Deals, just click on that picture and the most recent ones will pop up for you!
BTS Deals include Backpacks, supplies and even clothing deals for your kids. So it will all be there in my effort to try to make this whole process easy as possible for all of you!
I’ll also be including posts about “Best Prices for Back to School Items” and all of that. So you will know what items to purchase or skip when you find “Deals” out on your own. 🙂